Annual Report 2017-2018
Annual Report 2017-2018
our bright future
dear friends, The two of us arrived at Wildwood School at the same time, Joel as a parent of a new Pod student and Landis as head of school. A dozen years later, we’ve completed our first year working together as head and board chair at a time when Wildwood School’s future is more promising than ever. That promise is due in large part to those who came before us, walked along side us, and will walk with us in the coming years to ensure that the best of Wildwood continues for future generations of students and families. Joining us in our Board work this year are three new trustees. They are current parents Kira Arné Powell-Verica and Glenda Martinez, and parent of alumnae Clare Bronowski. Thank you to all those whose philanthropy and volunteerism are represented in the pages that follow. You make it all possible, and we are happy to report that 2017-2018 Annual Giving once again crested the $2 million mark, providing resources to support everything from investing in instructional technology to flexible tuition. The bright future of Wildwood, a theme in this year’s Annual Report, wouldn’t be nearly as brilliant without the support the school has received, both past and present. In the dozen years we’ve known Wildwood, our school has gained tremendous clarity about what it means to be a college preparatory progressive school. We live at the intersection of research and best practice, calling on brain science, scholarship, and the experience and talent of our dedicated, curious, and caring teaching and administrative colleagues to continually evaluate, adjust, and improve our work with students, supporting both their social-emotional and academic growth. Wildwood School graduates choose colleges and universities that afford them the chance to pursue passions and goals, attending a diverse
range of schools from public to private, small to large, highly specialized, and highly selective. For good reason, Wildwood has gained a national reputation for its progressive pedagogy, social-emotional work, and multicultural programming. That reputation began with the work of past heads, like the iconic Hope E. Boyd (see page 9), and it continues with the work of current school employees who have led the introduction and implementation of programs that are unique to Wildwood, programs like Systems Thinking in elementary, Into the Wild in middle, and the Institute Model in upper. Thanks to growing philanthropic support, we’ve been able to introduce the Social Good and Community Leadership Institute, which joins the Wildwood Institute for STEM Research and Development (WISRD) this year. All are made possible because of the annual, capital, and endowment gifts represented in the pages of this report. Those of us who know and love this school, its programs, and its culture and community recognize how unique it is in the landscape of education, specifically the landscape of independent education. And we recognize that as members of the Wildwood School community, we have both an opportunity and a responsibility to care for the institution that makes the work and the community possible.
With appreciation and happy anticipation of our school’s bright future,
Landis Green, Head of School
Joel Brand, Chair, Board of Trustees
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“Since my time in the Pods, I have had a passion to make Wildwood a greener place.” — ZACH MARKS ‘18
For the past two years, Wildwood seniors have dug deep into the issue of sustainability at our school. Their first accomplishment was researching and creating the Wildwood Sustainability Plan in 2017. This year, the Environmental Change and Policy Senior Seminar moved those ideas into action, which can be seen on both the elementary and middle and upper campuses. Dual-stream recycle bins, biodegradable cutlery, cups, and plates, and reusable bottles are now part of our everyday lives. Our K-12 community is doing its part in building a more environmentally responsible school. You can see this commitment clearly with the changes to Big Yard at the elementary campus. From Grandparents and Special Friends Day to graduation, the field is a focal point for the Wildwood community. Our new field is made of environmentally friendly materials. The asphalt and rubber were replaced with porous and sustainable materials to facilitate a more natural response to fluctuating climate and weather conditions. These nontoxic upgrades improve temperature regulation
and moisture control—which, in addition to protecting planet Earth— ultimately make for a more comfortable outdoor experience for our youngest athletes. Another noticeable impact of the new-and-improved field is the overall increase of available use space. Removing the running track that circled the field allows for 30 percent more field and 100 percent more fun! The field now satisfies the recommended regulation size for youth soccer. Ben Fussiner, assistant director of elementary school and director of auxiliary programs says the enhancements to the field have “benefited PE and athletics programming at the elementary campus” and simply “given us a bigger space for exploration and play during the regular school day, as well as for after care and our summer programs.” So whether you’re drinking coffee from a biodegradable cup at Back to School Night or rocking to our senior jazz band at Gardenpalooza on Big Yard, you’re part of Wildwood’s sustainability plan.
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board of trustees and committees BOARD OF TRUSTEES Joel Brand (Chair) BOARD COMMITTEES & TASK FORCES AUDIT COMMITTEE Marc Frankel (Chair) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Joel Brand (Chair)
Amy Ardell Joel Brand Peter Frankfurt Landis Green Heather Horn Alan Hunt Grant Mitchell
Lisa Flashner Marc Frankel Landis Green Ashley Kramer Shawn Levy Sanford Panitch Lyle Poncher Lee Rosenbaum Andrew Solmssen
Evaluation Subcommittee Annie Barnes (Co-Chair) Andrew Solmssen (Co-Chair)
Lisa Flashner (Vice Chair) Ashley Kramer (Secretary) Lee Rosenbaum (Treasurer) Amy Ardell Lisa Eisenpresser Marc Frankel Peter Frankfurt John Friedman Landis Green (Head of School) Chelsea Hadley Andy Horn
ADVANCEMENT AND MAJOR GIFTS COMMITTEE Grant Mitchell (Chair) Alan Ball Joel Brand John Friedman Landis Green Chelsea Hadley Jerry Harris
Gladys Barbieri Alicia Breakey Ashley Kramer Megen O’Keefe Diana Stephenson Lori Strauss
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Lee Rosenbaum (Chair) Joel Brand Clare Bronowski
FINANCE COMMITTEE Jay Ferguson (Co-Chair) Lisa Flashner (Co-Chair) Joel Brand Landis Green Chelsea Hadley
Salary Structure Subcommittee
Nina Houghton Paige Tolmach
Jay Ferguson Lisa Flashner Andrew Solmssen
Nina Houghton Nina Jacobson Shawn Levy Grant Mitchell Susan Olsen Sanford Panitch Cynthia Patton Lyle Poncher Andrew Solmssen Diana Stephenson
Lisa Flashner (Co-Chair) Claudia Hatter (Co-Chair) Amy Ardell Jennifer Arnold Melissa Bales Carol Hoffstedt
PHILANTHROPY EDUCATION COMMITTEE Andrew Solmssen (Chair) Sharon Fagen Pegah Kamrava
Andy Horn Alan Hunt
GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE (FORMERLY COMMITTE ON TRUSTEES) Lisa Flashner (Co-Chair) Nina Houghton (Co-Chair) Joel Brand Lisa Eisenpresser Marc Frankel Peter Frankfurt Landis Green Ashley Kramer Andrew Solmssen Lori Strauss
Ramin Kolahi Susan Olsen
Andy Horn Alan Hunt
Tiffany Lovett Andrew Sachs Diana Stephenson
Cynthia Patton Lee Rosenbaum Apur Shah Lori Strauss Azizi Williams
Mallory Konell Grant Mitchell Tim Sekula Lori Strauss
(WWPO Liaison)
Lori Strauss Art Streiber
Art Streiber Paige Tolmach Azizi Williams
ANNUAL GIVING COMMITTEE Lisa Eisenpresser (Chair) Andy Horn Susan Olsen
Benefits Subcommittee Nina Houghton (Co-Chair) Paula Gabriel (Co-Chair)
Jennifer Arnold Alberto Duarte Jay Ferguson John Friedman Alan Hunt Hasan Muhammad Tahnee Munoz Mateo Reyes Landis Green, ex officio all Compensation & Benefits Subcommittees
Jeremy Osher Aimee Richer
Lisa Flashner Landis Green Andy Horn Alan Hunt Robert Kahn
DIVERSITY TASK FORCE Cynthia Patton (Chair) Melanie Benefiel Joel Brand Rasheda Carroll Lisa Eisenpresser Peter Frankfurt Landis Green Nina Jacobson Emma Katznelson Glenda Martinez Phil McFarland Kira Arné Powell-Verica Katie Rios Art Streiber Greg Sung Paige Tolmach Jihad Turk Collette Bowers Zinn
wildwood parent organization (wwpo)
The Wildwood Parent Organization (WWPO) is dedicated to community building and parent connection.
> 740 cups of coffee served at 12 parent events
> 5,560 laps run to raise $12,930 for Wildwood K-12 Athletics
> 250 parents connected at nine evening events hosted by community members
> 500 community members, including 200 incoming families, came to our greenest party of the year
$2,681 raised for elementary literary events
350 pajama-clad kids and
> Ten parties of all kinds for parents, kids, and families spiced up our year while supporting
WWPO EXECUTIVE BOARD Pegah Kamrava ( Co-President, Elementary) Kelly Tower ( Co-President, Middle School) Wendy Broudy ( Co-President, Upper School) Diana Stephenson ( WWPO Board Liaison) Vanessa Biddle ( Communications Liaison)
WWPO COMMITTEE CHAIRS Sam Ahmadpour Amy Ardell Gayla Aspinall-Agoglia Dana Barker
Jamie Marx Tricia Matuszak Kristen Messina Yunnie Morena Margaret Morse Sarah Morse Laura Norfolk Kerri O’Neil Ivette Osorio Georgeanna Parks Jessica Pashkow Mia Renaud
Caroline Bassett Vanessa Biddle
Laila Bowden Wendy Broudy Patricia Cardoso Gia Carides Jeannine Chanin-Penn Jennifer Cohen Lisa Colton Lee Ann Daly Jasmin Danesch
Maggie Ribeiro Marissa Ribisi Jill Rosenberg Bahar Schmidt Robin Schorr David Struhl Greg Sung
Stacy Ezra Ellen Firek Antonia Frey
Nicole Gelbart Ingrid Gewirtz Sarah Hennelly Renae Hwang Kevin Jarvis Therese Joslin Jennie Kampani
Marika Sung Mary Tanner Kelly Tower Melinda Tsapatsaris Tara Turner Dawn Urbont Karuna Venter Michelle Watkins Nicole Wenneker Felita Wong Shen
parents attended this cherished Wildwood tradition
Mikki Kane Julie Kolahi Leah Lavin Jaclyn Lieber Nicole Magnifico-Parker
the Hope Fund for Flexible Tuition.
Erika Wright Sari Yoshioka
Swagata Mandal Monique Marshall
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Endowments exist in perpetuity and provide an annual income stream for the school. Invested for growth and funded through ongoing contributions, they are self-sustaining sources of revenue, allowing us to deliver a leading-edge education to a diverse population of students.
THE LANDIS GREEN INNOVATION FUND Grew 18% this year, with a current balance of $596,043
Funded the WILDWOOD WORLD BOT to focus on the integration of technology and global citizenship by introducing a telepresence robot that will be used by teachers and students to connect with subject- matter experts and other students around the world.
THE HOPE FUND FOR FLEXIBLE TUITION Grew 16% this year, with a current balance of $4,327,451
FLEXIBLE TUITION was awarded to 117 students with the average tuition reduction of 73%.
“Hope leaves many legacies at our school, the most tangible being the Hope Fund that supports deserving students
*as of June 30, 2018
hope boyd’s legacy
Wildwood’s inaugural endowed fund, the Hope Fund for Flexible Tuition, was created in 2007 when Hope retired as Wildwood’s first K-12 head of school. Sadly, Hope passed away this year, but her precious legacy lives on. The Hope Fund generates ongoing revenue to ensure a diverse student body at Wildwood, now and for generations to come. We are so grateful for her vision and her fierce advocacy for children of all backgrounds and circumstances.
> One of the first women of color to lead an independent school
> Founder of the Independent School Alliance, an organization working to place and support underrepresented students in independent schools
> Led Wildwood’s expansion from a K-6 to a K-12 school
> A spectacular performance by the Grammy-winning recording artists to benefit the Hope Fund
who might not otherwise be able to afford a Wildwood education.” — JOEL BRAND, CHAIR, BOARD OF TRUSTEES
You can read more remembrances of Hope in the summer 2018 issue of Our Wildwood.
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2017/18 financial highlights
Annual Giving $2.1 MILLION
Parent Organization (WWPO) $101,790
Major Gifts $551,061**
“Thank you to my peers, my teachers, and this
Fundraising 7%
Salaries and Benefits 54%
Operations/ Programs 18%
Rent and Facilities 16%
Flexible Tuition 12%
Tuition, Fees, Interest 93%
*Unaudited totals, July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 **New gifts and pledges received July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018
fine institution for pushing me to do better and to become more than what I was.” — MIANA SMITH ’17, MIT
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major and restricted giving
$551,061 RAISED
Major gifts fund bold new ideas and transformative programs that are outside the scope of the annual budget.
WILDWOOD INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL GOOD AND COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP $250,000 grant to help fund expansion of Wildwood’s Institute Model
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Anonymous Foundation The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation Deborah Nadel and Daniel Stern, in honor of Deb Christenson Simon-Strauss Foundation Frederick R. Weisman Discretionary Trust
SYSTEMS THINKING PARTNERSHIP WITH LOS ANGELES UNIFIED To fund a program that brings a transformational Wildwood teaching model to LAUSD Title I elementary schools
Dream Fund for Young Scholars
Joel Brand and Kristina Deutsch
To fund enrollment for elementary-age students of color
To fund faculty professional development through Harvard University’s Think Tank on Global Education
Anonymous Foundation
Tina Holmes and John Tripp
The Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous Ramsey and Chip McDaniel
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“The Institute Model holds such promise, not just for your school but for others as well.” — JOHN C. GULLA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, THE EDWARD E. FORD FOUNDATION
Driving Wildwood forward is a steadfast commitment to providing our students with the best college preparatory progressive program in Los Angeles—where progressive is defined as the intersection of best practice and research. Wildwood is a hub for creating programs so different — and so successful — that we are changing the way education is delivered, and this past year was no exception. We are one of four recipients of the prestigious Edward E. Ford Foundation Leadership Grant, the sole awardee in the Western United States. The award will be used to support the expansion of the Institute Model program and launch the second of three academic institutes organized and run by students—the Wildwood Institute for Social Good and Community Leadership. This is the second major grant the school has received from the foundation in the past three years. The first, awarded in 2015, provided seed money for the school’s internationally acclaimed Wildwood Institute for STEM Research and Development (WISRD). As part of the school’s K-12 Global Citizenship initiative, our Wildwood Wolves collaborated to achieve meaningful community impact. The Human Rights Activism Fair engaged students in critical issues, including homelessness in Los Angeles, U.S. farm labor rights,
and genocide awareness. Our middle and upper school students tackled the urgency of environmental sustainability by building on and implementing the Wildwood Sustainability Plan launched last year. Second graders and 9th graders engaged in a cross-campus unit on worldwide access to education in the “Crossover Project.” The Wildwood community shined on all fronts this year. Our girls’ varsity soccer team went undefeated, and our middle and upper schools sent at least one team from each sport to playoff competition. Wildwood’s K-12 visual and performing arts program excelled, with students showcasing their many talents across multiple venues. The 5th Annual Wildwood Film Festival at the ArcLight Theater was bigger than ever. The list of accomplishments for our “Wolves Making Waves” goes on. One of Wildwood’s core strengths is our flexibility—a willingness to adapt to changing times and to our students’ needs. Our programs continued to put that strength on display this year, and we could not be prouder of our exceptional student, faculty, and staff achievements.
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Incubator. Think tank. Collaborator. At Wildwood, we take cutting-edge research on how kids learn best and turn it into K-12 curricula that’s changing the worldwide educational landscape. And that’s where Wildwood’s dynamic Outreach Center comes in. The Outreach Center shares Wildwood programming with hundreds of schools across the globe.
Worked with 70 schools across 16 states and three continents, including Phillips Exeter Academy, Surabaya Intercultural School in Indonesia, and the International School in Kenya
> Trained elementary educators in Systems Thinking, a new way of teaching that shows great promise in eliminating the academic achievement gap linked to socioeconomic status
On how Wildwood marries high academic expectations with an environment of care and a culture built on relationships
“Wow! Wildwood’s students are so mature and reflective.” — OUTREACH WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT
In leading-edge programming such as fostering student activism, Gateways and Exhibitions, and Advisory
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our community of generosity
All members of the Wildwood community join together and make yearly gifts to raise the critical 10 percent of our budget not covered by tuition.
Donor circles recognize cumulative totals for gifts to Annual Giving along with specially designated gifts in support of the academic program. Thank you for your tremendous support.*
“You all have enormous hearts! Take care of yours and one another’s by being patient and kind.”
INNOVATORS ($25,000 – $49,999)
LEADERS ($12,500 – $24,999)
VISIONARIES ($50,000+)
Anonymous (2) Joel Brand and Kristina Deutsch Celeste B. Cooper The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation Dream Fund for Young Scholars Shawn and Serena Levy Lyle and Lisi Poncher Lona Williams and David O’Connor
Anonymous (3) Amy and Jim Ardell
The Mazzarella Family Doug and Jennifer Oleff
Anonymous (2) Corinna Cotsen and Lee Rosenbaum Joann and Akiva Goldsman
Trish Blessing and Jeffrey Bell Amy Brooks and Johnny Rivera Robert and Sheryl Burleson Martha Davis Lisa Eisenpresser and Angela Courtin Jean Gold and John Friedman Sarah Hennelly and Adam Goldberg Tina Holmes and John Tripp
Susan Olsen and Keith Snyder Paola Pini and David Krasne Richard Salomon Monica D. Sarang and Bryan A. Kenny Bonnie and Andrew Solmssen
The Horn Family Nina Houghton
Ashley and David Kramer Grant and Tiziana Mitchell Sanford and Kristen Panitch Danielle Zucker David Zucker
Maie and Richard St. John Hank and Kara Steinberg
The Stephenson Family Paige and Matt Tolmach Jenno Topping and Christopher Moore David and Katherine Willing
Kate Hudson Saul Hudson Lisa Kaz Tiffany and Bob Lovett Jennifer and Tobey Maguire
INVESTORS ($7,500 – $12,499)
Anonymous (2) The Ahmanson Foundation Randy Banchik and Jannell Greene Banchik Mike and Dana Barker Jon and Nell Beckerman Fredrik and Jenny Bond Jesse and Amy Contreras Glynis Costin and Art Streiber Neil and Maya Druckmann Marc and Holly Fantini Erik Flannigan and Ty Stiklorius Marc Frankel Liseanne and Peter Frankfurt Diane and Victor Fresco
Landis Green and Bruce Norelius Hudson Family Foundation Jana and Mitch Hunter Renae and Ken Hwang Andrea and Paul Joseph Pegah Kamrava and Nader Pakfar The Levine Family Ben Looram and Karuna Venter Max Mayer and Catherine Corpeny Rob and Kaitlin McElhenney Deborah Nadel and Daniel Stern in honor of Deb Christenson Jonathan and Janelle Newkirk Chris Ord and Jennifer Raikes Roman and Olga Petrenko
The Reinhardt - Hadley Family Kate Robin and Bruce Eric Kaplan
Diana and Andrew Sachs Macie and Jay Scherick Mark and Claudia Schwartz Steve and Jodi Schwartz Ben and Ella Stewart Tom and Kira Verica Frederick R. Weisman Discretionary Trust Michael and Tatyana Wexler
*Gifts received from July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018
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2017/2018 donors
PARTNERS ($5,000 – $7,499)
Randy and Sonia Levy Holly and Jeffrey Lieber Jaclyn Lieber and Jay Blumenfield Lynn Loeb and Dennis Wilson Harte and Dave Logan Greg Marusak and Doria Anselmo
Tess Bovard and Joe Sachs Laila and Bobby Bowden Wendy and Jeff Broudy Gia Carides and Anthony Lapaglia Cristina and Scott Carlis Karen Carson The Chanin Family Rich Costey and Kathryn Alverson Lee Ann Daly and Frank Todaro Amy and Rich Davis Nicole and James Dejulio Jen and Joe DeMaio Elaine Didyk and Chris Wilcha Richard and Nicole D’Ovidio Karen and Eric Ende Christine and Josh Friedman The Gershovich Family Camilla Hjerl and Henrik Hansen Simon Horsman and Anna Prada Julie Jacobs and Ian Rogers Celine and Rob Kahn Dena and Michael Kaplan Peter Nelson Kelly and Dawn Perdew The Perelman Family Rubencio Quintana and Glenda Martinez Sheri Porath Rockwell and Marshall Rockwell Jill Rosenberg Volker and Birgit Schauz Robin Schorr and Brian Flaherty The Schweitzer Family Jill and Scott Seidel
The Seton Family Lawrence Sher Mimi Shin and Brad Hennegan
Anonymous (5) Yasmine Amitai-Murro and Noam Murro Michele and Alec Berg Wendy and John Bergquist Vanessa Biddle and Jamie Reilly Kathy and Andrew Bobrow Melanie Brown The Carcano Family Shelby and Lee Chaden Michael Colton and Lisa Nelson Colton Dexton and Amelia Deboree Jesse Diamond and Sheryl Lee Leslie and Joan Esposito Jeffrey and Diana Fenster Lisa Flashner Griff and Zoe Foxley ‘91 Jonathan Friedman and Andrea Wallace The Greenwald Foundation Maurizio Grimaldi and Mary Tanner Davis Guggenheim and Elisabeth Shue The Hansen Family
Ti and Steve Sitkoff Elizabeth W. Snyder
Jenn and Rob Solomon Jerry and Dana Solomon Tony and Lisa Solomon Jill Sorensen
Ramsey and Chip McDaniel Theodora and Adam Merims Amy and David Montalba Unjoo Moon and Dion Beebe Rob and Erin Natter Steven and Veronica Nessim
Andrea and Brad Storms Kerry and Patrick Sullivan Tara Turner and Bryan Smith Dan and Cari Uslan Chris Ward and Erin Sullivan Ward Mark and Nicole Wenneker
Laura and James Norfolk Jeremy and Gina Osher Kevin and Elizabeth Parry Cynthia Patton and Patrick Robison Neil and Carrie Peart Loren and Jennifer Philip Jocelyn and Ken Solomon Rob and Becky York Sari Yoshioka and Jacob Wexler
FRIENDS ($1,500 - $2,999)
Anonymous (18) Nabil Abu-Assal and Coco Owen Aaron and Lauren Applebaum Renee Baren Caroline Barry ‘06 Deborah and Robert Barry The Bassett Family Kirk and Susan Baxter Marcia and Charles Bieber
MENTORS ($3,000 - $4,999)
Chris and Mavis Hillin Donna and Tom Hillin Therese Joslin Andrew and Frances Kallman Mikki and Steven Kane The Kayton Family Amy Kidd and Paul Caramagno Brian and Leah Lavin Michelle and Daniel Lehmann
Anonymous (14) The Abrams - Senator Family The Amann - Deschamps Family Jessica Aronoff Ada Berman and Brent Bradley Matthew Berninger and Carin Besser Jeff and Jamia Bigalow Lisa and Peter Block
Michael and Tracy Blum Emily and David Briggs Adri and Bob Butler The Campbell Family The Campodonico Family
“Together, Life Skills and Habits of Mind and Heart form the toolkit of a global citizen.”
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2017/2018 donors continued
Tony and Anne Campodonico Jason and Karen Carbone Scott and Jennifer Cohen Kevin Cooper and Amy Harkness Nick and Annie Copus Jason and Heidi Damata Greg and Crystal De Saint-Aignan Julie Delpy
Shelby Lorman ‘11 The Lorman Family Sandra McClean Jodi and Adam Michaels Donna and Ted Miller Brandon and Hillary Moglen Greg and Yunnie Morena Laura Moskowitz and David Strick Craig Nakano and Phoebe Yee Zoe Nathan and Josh Loeb Chris Nee and Lisa Udelson Carolyn Nelson Amy Noble and Christopher Jones Sara Noyes and Pete Vitale Amanda and Brendan O’Brien
Lynn and Ted Dodd Stacy and Scott Ezra The Ferrer Family Ellen and Marc Firek Eva and Andrew Fogg
Parnaz and Danny Foruzesh Jay ‘82 and Gigi Goodfader Suzanna and David Grant Eric and Corey Hartnack The Hawley Family
Maria Pepin Mike Pepin Eva and Jason Rapp Mischa and Michaela Reis Whit and Kati Richards Erin and Steve Rottman The Sarioz Family Marc and Laurie Sasson Susan and Gary Sayble
Charles and Monika Heimbold Rosemary Holmes-Greenberg Andy Hsu and Swagata Mandal Myint Huang Charitable Fund Kristen and Scott Hutchinson Kim Jacobs and Alain Briere Norm Jacobson* Sandy Jacobson and Paul Fischer Ted and Erika Johnson Laura and T.K. Knowles Julie and Ramin Kolahi Tonje Kristiansen and Ole Sanders Caroline and Matt Kunitz Iri and Deborah Kupferwasser Delphine Lafont-Hassid and Dan Hassid Ricki Lake
Crawford and Katharine Shippey Holly Sklar and Michael Berman Caroline and Matt Smukler The Spiner Family Jody and Sam Stein Linda and Marc Sternberg Jonas and Sue Ann Stiklorius Wendy and Jeremy Strick David and Mine Struhl Nick Kazan and Robin Swicord The Tal Family Omar and Rozmin Tirmizi Dawn Urbont and Matt Corman Hristos Varouhas and Megan Sneesby Kara and Ben Weber
Doreen and Bruce Leddy Josh and Katherine LeVine June and David Lewin The Liverant Family Stephen and Carrie Lloyd Jerri Loeb Lynn and Michael London Kimberly Lorman ‘09
Walter Weber and Teri Kopp Kent and Alexandra Weed Jolie and John Whitesell
Dan Zaharoni The Zonnas Family
Melanie and Peter Benefiel Kate Bergquist Carol and Bernard M. Berklich Emilie A. Bernstein
Marc and Tamy Cohen Dr. Paul and Cyna Cohen Cathleen Collins
Zoe Friedman and Steve Peckingham Michael Fujikawa ‘95 Barbara Fussiner Richard and Susan Fybel Shawn and Erin Gehle Thalia and Marty Gelbard Ingrid and Eric ‘Giz’ Gewirtz Alidad and Sheila Ghiassi Jennifer Glickman The Glouberman Family Sarah Minot Gold The Gonzalez Family Pablo and Rosie Gonzalez Samantha Goodman and Rick Barragan Curtis Graham Roderick and Joyce Greene Marion and Joel Greenspan Rachel ‘90 and Gary Gutkin Tisa and Glenn Habas Barbara Hadley and John Burke Karen Jones Hadley and Mark Hadley Fred and Tassie Hadlock-Piltz The Haefelfinger - Kelly Family Kelly Halligan Blakely and Joe Hamilton Kristin Hampton Liz and Gino Hanrahan Dylan Hardy ‘13 James and Maria Hardy Greg Harmon ‘96 Jodi Harris Richard and Dail Hartnack Craig and Deborah Harwin Claudia and Paul Hatter Gilbert and Anne Hatter Hope Haves and Tessa Westfall ‘14 Stephanie and Marc Hayutin Becca and Greg Hedgepath Larry and Linda Hennelly Bulmaro and Asunciona Hernandez Catalina Hernández Eva Hernandez and Juan Delgado
Scott and Jessica Collins Adam and Allison Collis Talya Cooper ‘14 Avery Corman Sandra and Russ Crozier Jassi Danesch and Kourosh Khajavi Michelle Danner Stephanie Fybel Darby Connie Dea Eugenia de Cardoso Kate DeBlasio ‘87 and Caleb Omens Shahram and Aramesh Dehghani Lynne and Jimmy DeWitt Apolonio and Ana Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dinerstein The Dinerstein Family Itai Disraeli Julie Dretzin and Sam Catlin Carla Drisdom Bob and Janet Dumper The Eisenman Family Thomas Eisenman ‘15 Kendra Elstad ‘95 Nancy Epstein and Michael Wainman The Eskin - Burke Family Florence Famuyiwa The Famuyiwa Family Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton Dene Feldman and Samuel M. Feldman Manny and Marilyn Flekman Carole and Barry Forman Laurie Fox and Susan Grinsfelder Mr. and Mrs. Griffith W. Foxley Denise and Michael Freed Felice and Roger Freeman Alan and Darlene Friedman Christine and Jason Friedman Ira and Abby Friedman Dr. Joan Friedman and Dr. Robert Braun
Anna and Jeff Biederman Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bierkan Drs. David and Susan Birney Drs. Michael and Susan Blumenfield Jessica Bofshever ‘97 and Justin Herber Drei Borges ‘15
Anonymous (105) Rachel Abramowitz and Josh Goldin Jane and Richard Abrams Hirsch and Judith Adell Meredith and Jesse Alexander Armando Amaya and Dalila Castillo Baptiste Andrieux Robert Anselmo Melissa and Steve Appelbaum-Schwartz Valentin Arevalo and Teresita Santiago Elizabeth and Mark Armour Cindy Aronberg Dr. Sandra Aronberg and Dr. Charles Aronberg Herb and Irene Astrow Jamie and Jordan Atlas Judy Avery Barbara Avishay and Stephen Strocker Patricia Baez Melissa Weber Bales and Michael V. Bales Jessie Baren ‘14 Stephanie Barish and Scott Chamberlin Jenna Barnet and Stephen Butler
Anna and David Boucher Dave and Carol Boucher Eva Boyd and Ben Kratzert Susan Haas Bralove Piers Brecher ’12 Charles M. and Vicki S. Brohm Clare Bronowski and Jeff Lee
Julia Broudy ‘16 Morgan Brown ‘11 Debra and William Brunsten Lynn Brusky Dawn Buch Connie Butler and David Schafer Bette and Charles Carcano Patricia Cardoso and Reneau H. Reneau Karen Carlson Megan Carlson and Jim Chapman Lexy and John Carroll The Carter Family Steve and Rhea Carter Henry C. Cashen II Camden and Jay Cassidy Sophie Cassidy ‘95 Jeanie and Charlie Chapin Diane Chapman E. Carmack and Carolyn Holmes Cheryl Cecchetto and Michael Michaud
Pamela Barnet Natalie Barnett Sheila and Edward Barrett Michelle Barron Constance Bartosh Susan and Randy Bassett Mindy Bazar and Dan Baron Anna and Brandon Becker Jody Becker and Steve Barrett Susan and Lawrence Becker Natalie and Alan Beckerman Jo Anne Bell
John and Filamena Christopher Joy Chudzynski and Jon Snow Jesse and Hayley Clapham Leslie and Ray Clevenger Larry ‘91 and Allison Cobar
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2017/2018 donors continued
Ofelia Hernández Stephen and Beth Hess The Hess - Levitt Family Elliot and Karriann Farrell Hinds The Hofmann Family Dennis and Raila Horne May and James Houghton Laura Hubber and Richard Bangs Corey Humphrey ‘05 J. Michael and Suzanne Humphrey Cherie Hurwitz and Dylan Tarason Brian and Sandra Hutchinson Hagai Izraeli and Tamar Kronenfeld Tomas and Amanda Jegeus David and Chloë Jones Sebastian Jones ‘16 The Kaman Family Jennie and Arjun Kampani Lewis and Sandra Kanengiser Vickie and Stuart Karten Ben Katz ‘14 Haley Katz ’17 Michael Katz and Holly Middlekauff Darcy and David Kessler Siri Simran Khalsa Thomas Knowles Sr. Keith and Sepi Kohn Kula Foundation Joe and Janet LaBracio Richard Lanet and Joan Williamson D. Lasky Felix and Tumani Leatherwood Mr. and Mrs. Donald LeBlanc Jennifer Leitzes and Jon Hoeber Pauline and Martin Leitzes Sondra Lender and Ben Fussiner Elizabeth Lester Robert and Falyn Kingi Suzanne and Max Kisbye
Marvin and Rhoda Lewis Craig Litwak and Family Shirley Loeb Marian Lofgren, Ph.D. Luellen and Dan Lucid Leigh-Anne Lui Liz and Zach Lutsky Kim and Randy Magnin Nelson Maheia and
Nallely Oregel Kelis Overton
Francesca Rollins and Neil Wilson Joanne Rosario and Ernesto Halim Mary Ann Rose and Heinz Kern Emmett Noah Rosenbaum ‘13 Rosemary Shaw Sackett
Chris and Alison Pappas Clay and Kathy Parker The Pashkow Family Peg Pashkow Umesh Pathak and Reena Patel Ben Paul The Payne Family
The Salazar Family Christie C. Salomon
Frank and Irene Saltzman Allison and Kirk Schenck
Shirlene Bauer-Maheia Gloria and Ronald Malkin David and Lisa Manheim Nikki and Doug Mark Chelsey Martin and David Wood Teresa and Javier Martin Del Campo Edith R. Matthai Sarah Morse and Glen Mazzara Sarah McCann Mrs. David C. McCarty Megan McConnell and Jan Stevens The McGrath Family The Messina Family Ellen Meyer Julisa and Danny Miles Marylyn Zax Miller Sylvia and Marty Mintzer Jeffrey Mirvis Ronit Molko Harpaz and Gordon Molko Cyrus and Roya Mostofi Miriam Mostow Evan Mulling ‘13 The Narayan Family Gregory and Renée Newmark Thomas and Julie Newton Jennifer Nottoli and Curt Johnson Terence and Eileen O’Brien Ike and Jennifer Ogoke Erica Oh Leah Ohta Don and Doreen Oleson Carolyn Omine Kerri O’Neill
The Pearlstein Family Rosalie Frazier Penner
Adam Schneir Sara Schuelein Carol Schwartz and Rob Ramsey Taylor and Suzanne Scott Jenni and Tom Scott Josephine and John Scully
Abby and Steve Perelman Rogelio and Ximena Perez Nathan Peterson and Nicole Buote Tracy Platt ‘04
“We are a group of individuals who are always striving
Andrew Plotkin and Laurie Arent Dr. Barbara K. Polland Jodelle and James Poulos Colleen and Joseph Pundyk Antonia Raikes Brian Reason and Shannon Michelle Judy Reilly and Jean-Paul Gasset
Annie Seaton Martin and Sheila Seaton Shalivia Sefas Sequoia Productions Rachel and Joshua Shader Alex Sheftel ‘10 Paula and Jim Sheftel The Shen Family Paul Sher Maggie and Jon Sherman Boris and Sharon Shimanovsky Pat and Bob Shuken Loretta Siciliano and Scott Silverman David and Libby Silverman Jane Silverman Sarah and Joel Simon Irwin and Sandra Sitkoff Jeremy Smith and Helen Hwang The Smith Family
Jem and Persephone Renaud Reneau Hewitt Reneau and Virgita Reneau Roberta and Michael Rey
Jeremy Reynolds and Colleen Conway Rebecca Rickman and Kenneth Brecher Maggie Ribeiro The Rice - Demaio Family Katie and Gerald Rios Roxsanne Robertson Stacy and Ron Robinson Jennine Rodriguez and Scott Hevesy
Jerry and Carole LeVine Wendy and Ivan Levison Mr. and Mrs. I.M. Lewinson
Patty and Louis Snitzer Edwina Jo Snow
Sherry Varon Annette Vega and Tim Zebrowski Suzy Vernoff Desiree Walker Robin Walker and Russ Karablin Sally Walker Bennett Walsh Terry and Darin Walters Joanne and Aj Weidhaas The Weinstock - Kartun Family Tessa Westfall ‘14 James Whiteley and Fay Cantor-Stephens Sally Willcox and Daniel Ross Azizi Williams
Sally and Hans Solmssen James and Jenn Spellman Jan Stallings Meredith and Chuck Stephenson Cecily Stern Laurel Stern and Jim Davis Susan Stich Andrew and Fiona Stiles Susan Stockton and Chris Walther Peter Stoughton and Emily Hertzberg Lindsey and David Strasberg Lori Strauss and Steve Hummel Deborah K. Streiber
to initiate change.” — FELIX SCHAUZ ‘18
Carolyn and Dennis Sullivan Perri Sun ‘05 Goldie Taherian and Dr. Farzin Yaghmaie Edward and Minnie Takahashi Rinat Tal The Tang-Moray Family Stephen and Felicia Tarason Mary Teitelbaum
Susan L. Williams Wendi Williams-Stern and Eric Stern Corinna Wilson Alisson Witten Courtney and Jared Wolff Graham Wolff Dave Wolffe Sherry Woodworth and Erik Story Rachel and Patrick Young Nancy Huang and Alex Yu Caleb Mason Zakarin Debra Mostow Zakarin and Scott Zakarin Harriet Zaretsky Laurie Zerwer and Andrew Orenstein Holly Schiffer Zucker and Jeffrey Alan Zucker Caitlin and Nick Wootton Howard and Daniele Yonet Tomoko Yoshioka
The Teitelbaum Family Jill and Randy Thomas
Sabrina Tom and Apur Shah Andrew and Karsha Tsukahira Chandler Turk ‘14 Jeff and Wendy Turk Jihad Turk and Anjum Mir Mark and Patricia Turosz Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Uslan Diederik van Rooijen and Sanna Fabery de Jonge
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faculty & staff
Anonymous (25) Amy B. Abrams Jennifer Arnold Patti Baez Melissa Bales Alan Ball Gladys Barbieri Steve Barrett Erik Barrios Stephen Bayes Maria Beistegui Melanie Benefiel Betsy Berenson Roxanne Bergmans Francesca Bill Anna Boucher Alicia Breakey Oscar Campos Rasheda Carroll José Chavarria Deb Christenson Susan Chung Pat Colley Jessica Collins Sandi Crozier Pilar Cuervo Allie Curry Alex Cussen
Sean Daniels Herach Danlyan Stephanie Darby Jillian Denning
Sue Grieder Travis Guba
Kelly Lougheed Vanessa Mancinelli Loli Marshall
Gerald Rios Katie Rios Rebecca Rollinson Will Schaer Amanda Scharf Pam Schwartz Alex Sheftel ‘10 Michelle Simon Rebecca Simon Sarah Simon Cory Speer Jenn Spellman Meredith Stephenson Keyonna Taylor Chay Thaopaset Leslie Troy Paul Waked Debbie Weissman Tyler Williams David Williamson The Wise Family Na Xue Frances Yang Collette Bowers Zinn Taylor Stern Lori Strauss
Mark Gutierrez Ruth Gutierrez Tisa Habas Tassie Hadlock-Piltz Claudia Hatter Becca Hedgepath Catalina Hernández Claudio Hernández Grace Hwang Hagai Izraeli and Family Emily Johnson Crystal Joslin-Mikels Beto Juan Seth Kao Emma Katznelson
Phil McFarland Chris McKenna Michelle Meena
Itai Disraeli Alissa Dixon Alberto Duarte Billy Dumone Tiffany Duplessis-Barmore Kendra Elstad ‘95 Daniel Estes Sharon Fagen Joshua Fawcett Michelle Flores Laura Forsythe Michael Fujikawa ‘95 Ben Fussiner The Gabriel - Hofmann Family
Gina Merrill Doug Meyer Julisa Miles Leah Mineo
Sandi Mineo Rust Hasan Muhammad Natasha Neufeld Alli Newell Megen O’Keefe Mary O’Malley Nallely Oregel Angelica Oropeza Darren Pasco Rachel Paul Sarah Pease-Kerr Maria Pizano Holli Plummer Orlando Portillo Jody Poulos Erin Reid
Doreen Kaye Janet Keller Shahrzad Khonsari Lili Kim Mallory Konell Danielle Kraten Becca Larson Randy Lastrapes Grace Lazzarini Mei Li Sam Lopez
Desiree Gaitan Carly Ginsberg Danielle Glass Adriana Gonzalez Claudia Gonzalez Linda Gordon Seth Gordon Daniel Gotz Landis Green The Grellert Family
Mateo Reyes Aimee Richer
“What connects us as Wildwood graduates is this distinctive ability to understand ourselves and to use
alumni Support from alumni is the hallmark of a strong school. Once a Wolf, always a Wolf.
Zoe Foxley ‘91 Michael Fujikawa ‘95 Jay Goodfader ‘82 Rachel Gutkin ‘90 Dylan Hardy ‘13 Greg Harmon ‘96 Corey Humphrey ‘05 Sebastian Jones ‘16 Haley Katz ‘17 Ben Katz ‘14 Kimmi Lorman ‘09 Shelby Lorman ‘11 Evan Mulling ‘13 Larry Nell-Cobar ‘91 Noa Park ‘14 Tracy Platt ‘04 Emmett Rosenbaum ‘13 Alex Sheftel ‘10 Perri Sun ‘05
Anonymous ‘07 Anonymous ‘11 Jessie Baren ‘14
Caroline Barry ‘06 Nell Beckerman ‘85 Jessica Bofshever ‘97 Drei Borges ‘15 Piers Brecher ‘12 Julia Broudy ‘16 Morgan Brown ‘11 Sophie Cassidy ‘95 Talya Cooper ‘14 Elisa Crispi ‘87 Kate DeBlasio ‘87 Annabella De Meo ‘09 Miranda De Meo ‘07 Thomas Eisenman ‘15 Kendra Elstad ‘95
Chandler Turk ‘14 Tessa Westfall ‘14 Caleb Zakarin ‘16
Everett Dayton ‘14, graduated from Tufts University with a double major in Film and Media Studies and Child Studies and Human Development.
James Dayton ’14 graduated with honors in film from NYU Tisch School of the Arts.
Piers Brecher ‘12 graduated from the University of Chicago with a double major in history and romance languages. He then received a Master of Philosophy in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from Oxford University.
that understanding to shape our futures.” — DYLAN VECCHIONE ’17, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON
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parents of alumni
Gifts from alumni families show continued loyalty to the community they helped build. We are grateful.
Diane and Victor Fresco Emma Fresco ‘17 Sam Fresco ‘20 Tess Fresco ‘20 Jean and John Friedman Sam Friedman ‘96 Julie Friedman ‘05 Charlotte Friedman ‘07 Dr. Joan Friedman and Dr. Robert Braun
Becca and Greg Hedgepath Rachel Hedgepath ‘13 Catalina Hernández Maya Hernandez ‘15 The Hess - Levitt Family
Tony and Katherine Coghlan Maddy Coghlan ‘14 Jack Coghlan ‘19 Cathleen Collins Maggy Rogow ‘06 Glynis Costin and Art Streiber
Anonymous (8) Melissa Weber Bales and Michael V. Bales
Eloise Hess ‘13 Tobie Hess ‘18 The Hofmann Family
Siena Streiber ‘14 Kayla Streiber ‘17 Corinna Cotsen and Lee Rosenbaum Chiara Rosenbaum ‘11 Emmett Rosenbaum ‘13 Anthea Rosenbaum ‘16 Sandra and Russ Crozier Blair Crozier ‘07 Lynne and Jimmy DeWitt Liza DeWitt ‘09 The DiPietro Family Justin DiPietro ‘07 Benjamin DiPietro ‘10 Evan DiPietro ‘13 Itai Disraeli Shere Disraeli ‘09 The Eisenman Family Thomas Eisenman ‘15 Karen and Eric Ende Duncan Ende ‘97 Nancy Epstein and Michael Wainman Elliot Wainman ‘08 Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton Augusta Dayton ‘11 James Dayton ‘14 Everett Dayton ‘14 Dene Feldman and Samuel M. Feldman Nathaniel Koenig ‘16 Lisa Flashner
Davey Bales ‘11 Sarah Bales ‘14
Dylan Hofmann ‘16 Lucy Hofmann ‘19 J. Michael and Suzanne Humphrey Corey Humphrey ‘05 David and Chloë Jones Sebastian Jones ‘16 Lewis and Sandra Kanengiser Joe Kanengiser ‘04 Gabe Kanengiser ‘10 Vickie and Stuart Karten Rachel Karten ‘09 Michael Katz and Holly Middlekauff Ben Katz ‘14 Haley Katz ‘17 Nick Kazan and Robin Swicord Zoe Kazan ‘95 Maya Kazan ‘99 Siri Simran Khalsa Nanak Nihal Khalsa ‘16 Laura and T.K. Knowles Genevieve Dunning ‘17 Tiger Knowles ‘25 Ricki Lake
Renee Baren
Matt Braun ‘93 Sarah Braun ‘94 Amy Braun ‘97 Lauren Glassman
Shaan Baren ‘11 Jessie Baren ‘14 Dara Baren ‘19 Deborah and Robert Barry Caroline Barry ‘06 Melanie and Peter Benefiel Jordan Benefiel ‘17 Joseph Benefiel ‘21 Diane and Jim Berliner David Berliner ‘99 Clare Bronowski and Jeff Lee Julia Broudy ‘16 Reid Broudy ‘19 Debra and William Brunsten Emily Brunsten ‘06 Dawn Buch Amanda Buch ‘12 Jason and Karen Carbone Olivia Carbone ‘16 Teddy Carbone ‘18 Lexy and John Carroll Melanie Carroll ‘09 Camden and Jay Cassidy Tessa Lee ‘12 Abby Lee ‘15 Wendy and Jeff Broudy
Miranda De Meo ‘07 Annabella De Meo ‘09
Sarah Minot Gold Asia Gold ‘15 The Gonzalez Family Tim Gonzalez ‘10 Curtis Graham Eli Graham ‘09 Haley Graham ‘12 Davis Guggenheim and Elisabeth Shue
Miles Guggenheim ‘16 Stella Guggenheim ‘19 Agnes Guggenheim ‘25 Fred and Tassie Hadlock-Piltz Gabby Hadlock-Piltz ‘05 James and Maria Hardy Dylan Hardy ‘13 Hope Haves and Tessa Westfall Tessa Westfall ‘14 The Hawley Family
Milo Sussman ‘15 Owen Sussman ‘19
Jake Marcus ‘17 Zac Marcus ‘20 Liseanne and Peter Frankfurt Sacha Frankfurt ‘16 Ines Frankfurt ‘18
Zander Hawley ‘15 Violet Hawley ‘18 Mira Hawley ‘21 Beckett Hawley ‘26
Sarah Cassidy ‘94 Sophie Cassidy ‘95
“There is something magical
Felix and Tumani Leatherwood Raqui Leatherwood ‘05 Doreen and Bruce Leddy Owen Leddy ‘15 Charlotte Leddy ‘18 Shawn and Serena Levy Sophie Levy ‘17 Charlie Levy ‘25 Coco Levy ‘29 Craig Litwak and Family Drei Borges ‘15 Lynn Loeb and Dennis Wilson Summer Wilson ‘17 Leo Wilson ‘20 The Lorman Family Kimmi Lorman ‘09 Shelby Lorman ‘11 Luellen and Dan Lucid Michael Lucid ‘90 Leah Lucid ‘00 Kim and Randy Magnin Jacob Magnin ‘14 Edith R. Matthai Leigh Robie ‘98 Megan McConnell and Jan Stevens Julia Stevens ‘13 Daniel and Julisa Miles Daniel Miles ‘11 Samantha Miles ‘15 Jeffrey Mirvis
Sarah Morse and Glen Mazzara Liam Mazzara ‘14 Malcolm Mazzara ‘18 Auggie Mazzara ‘22 Laura Moskowitz and David Strick Gabriel Strick ‘10 Laura and James Norfolk Emily Norfolk ‘17 Eric Norfolk ‘21 Ian Norfolk ‘22 Jennifer Nottoli and Curt Johnson
Roberta and Michael Rey Analia Rey ‘13 Elena Rey ‘17 Rebecca Rickman and Kenneth Brecher Piers Brecher ‘12 Anne Roberts and Wayne Neiman Spencer Neiman ‘09 Sheri Porath Rockwell and Marshall Rockwell Oliver Scherick ‘14 Isabelle Scherick ‘21 Carol Schwartz and Rob Ramsey Anna Ramsey ‘15 Annie Seaton Zach Lewis ‘16 Violet Lewis ‘19 Paula and Jim Sheftel Alex Sheftel ‘10 Rachel Sheftel ‘13 Loretta Siciliano and Scott Silverman Rachel Gutkin ‘90 Jacob Silverman ‘96 Catharine and Jeffrey Soros Sabrina Soros ‘17 Jody and Sam Stein Emma Stein ‘17 Jack Stein ‘20 Susan Stockton and Chris Walther Rollin Walther ‘16 Jacob Rockwell ‘17 Isaac Rockwell ‘23 Macie and Jay Scherick
Peter Stoughton and Emily Hertzberg
Sophia Stoughton ‘17
Jeff and Wendy Turk Chandler Turk ‘14 Annette Vega and Tim Zebrowski
Luke Zebrowski ‘13 Matt Zebrowski ‘18
Suzy Vernoff
Dorian Armenta ‘14 Aliyah Armenta ‘19 Terry and Darin Walters Parker Cain ‘08 Oliver Walters ‘20 Joanne and Aj Weidhaas
Etney Johnson ‘15 Avery Johnson ‘17 Sanford and Kristen Panitch
Georgia Panitch ‘16 Tucker Panitch ‘19 Cynthia Patton and Patrick Robison Sarah Robison ‘14 The Payne Family
Lilly Weidhaas ‘17 Drew Weidhaas ‘20 Jolie and John Whitesell Ben Whitesell ‘11 Juliette Whitesell ‘19 Susan L. Williams and Steven Poster Rachel Williams-Feuerstein ‘06 Caitlin and Nick Wootton Clem Creevy ‘15 Debra Mostow Zakarin and Scott Zakarin
Nathaniel Payne ‘17 Joshua Payne ‘20
Sara Perets
Freddie Randall ‘16 Tuvia Perets ‘26 Lyle and Lisi Poncher
Amy Poncher ‘97 Zach Poncher ‘11 Jodelle and James Poulos Sophia Poulos ‘10 Kate Poulos ‘11 Bella Poulos ‘14 Colleen and Joseph Pundyk Jake Pundyk ‘98
Caleb Zakarin ‘16 Maci Zakarin ‘18
Harriet Zaretsky
Taylor Henry ‘10
Emilie Mirvis ‘10 Carley Mirvis ‘12 Sidney Mirvis ‘16
three consecutive years of contribution to Annual Giving and/or Endowment
about Wildwood and that is the community that thrives within the halls.” — FIONA MCGRATH ’18, MUHLENBERG COLLEGE
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“It’s a hallmark of a Wildwood education to be able to think critically, act conscientiously, and
A heartfelt “thank you” to the many grandparents who invest in their grandchildren’s education.
Susan Haas Bralove
Jeanie and Charlie Chapin Lela Scully ‘18 Wing Scully ‘25 Diane Chapman Giacomo Chapman ‘24 John and Filamena Christopher Natasha Reese ‘29 Leslie and Ray Clevenger Major Clapham ‘29 Dr. Paul and Cyna Cohen Jem Renaud ‘27 Persephone Renaud ‘30 Celeste B. Cooper Emma Parry ‘22 Avery Corman James Corman ‘27 Sebastian Corman ‘29 Carl Deutsch Jesse Brand ‘20 Nathan Brand ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dinerstein Lucy Dinerstein ‘29 Bob and Janet Dumper Ethan Dumper ‘27 Leslie and Joan Esposito
Michelle Barron
Annabelle Parsky ‘23 Izzy Parsky ‘25 Charles M. and Vicki S. Brohm Mack Hanrahan ‘27 Lynn Brusky Ione McGuigan ‘29 Robert and Sheryl Burleson
Berlin Barron ‘29 Constance Bartosh
Haiden Bergquist ‘23 Randy and Susan Bassett Charlotte Bassett ‘28 Susan and Lawrence Becker Dani Barrett ‘21 Jamie Barrett ‘23 Natalie and Alan Beckerman
Anonymous (9) Richard and Jane Abrams Judah Senator ‘28 Hirsch and Judith Adell Ferdi Adell ‘18 Nathaniel Adell ‘22 Robert Anselmo Jake Marusak ‘29 Dr. Sandra Aronberg and Dr. Charles Aronberg Leo Rheinheimer ‘26 Kate Rheinheimer ‘28 Herb and Irene Astrow Ruby Solomon ‘20 Judy Avery Lilah Newkirk ‘24 Hazel Newkirk ‘30 Barbara Avishay and Stephen Strocker Asher Avishay ‘28 Pamela Barnet Cy Butler ‘27 Zoe Butler ‘29 Natalie Barnett Juliette Whitesell ‘19 Sheila and Edward Barrett Dani Barrett ‘21 Jamie Barrett ‘23
Katie Kramer ‘19 Ella Kramer ‘22 Adri and Bob Butler
Ruby Beckerman ‘23 Sophie Beckerman ‘26
Liam Butler-Schafer ‘19 Rainer Butler-Schafer ‘23 Tony and Anne Campodonico Deia Campodonico ‘27 Evera Campodonico ‘30 Bette and Charles Carcano
Jo Anne Bell
Fiona Bell ‘19 Kate Bergquist
Haiden Bergquist ‘23 Carol and Bernard M Berklich Will Weber ‘23 Gus Weber ‘27 Marcia and Charles Bieber
Adele Carcano ‘20 Vince Carcano ‘24 Eugenia de Cardoso
Ryder McDaniel ‘19 Avery McDaniel ‘21 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Bierkan Amalia Smith ‘30 Drs. David and Susan Birney Lila Bigalow ‘26 Grant Bigalow ‘26 Drs. Michael and Susan Blumenfield
Tilo Reneau-Cardoso ‘21
Karen Carlson
Jack Solmssen ‘24 Ridley Solmssen ‘24 Steve and Rhea Carter Ethan Carter ‘23 Logan Carter ‘26 Henry C. Cashen II Major Clapham ‘29 Shelby and Lee Chaden
Jesse Brand ‘20 Nathan Brand ‘21 Florence Famuyiwa
Lucy Blumenfield ‘19 Leo Blumenfield ‘22 Dave and Carol Boucher Ailsa Boucher ‘21
Miles Famuyiwa ‘29
Daphne Logan ‘27 Pepper Logan ‘30
three consecutive years of contribution to Annual Giving and/or Endowment
reflect meaningfully on ourselves both in and out of school.” — LEAH SCULLY ’18, TULANE UNIVERSITY
three consecutive years of contribution to Annual Giving and/or Endowment
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