Annual Report 2017-2018
parents of alumni
Gifts from alumni families show continued loyalty to the community they helped build. We are grateful.
Diane and Victor Fresco Emma Fresco ‘17 Sam Fresco ‘20 Tess Fresco ‘20 Jean and John Friedman Sam Friedman ‘96 Julie Friedman ‘05 Charlotte Friedman ‘07 Dr. Joan Friedman and Dr. Robert Braun
Becca and Greg Hedgepath Rachel Hedgepath ‘13 Catalina Hernández Maya Hernandez ‘15 The Hess - Levitt Family
Tony and Katherine Coghlan Maddy Coghlan ‘14 Jack Coghlan ‘19 Cathleen Collins Maggy Rogow ‘06 Glynis Costin and Art Streiber
Anonymous (8) Melissa Weber Bales and Michael V. Bales
Eloise Hess ‘13 Tobie Hess ‘18 The Hofmann Family
Siena Streiber ‘14 Kayla Streiber ‘17 Corinna Cotsen and Lee Rosenbaum Chiara Rosenbaum ‘11 Emmett Rosenbaum ‘13 Anthea Rosenbaum ‘16 Sandra and Russ Crozier Blair Crozier ‘07 Lynne and Jimmy DeWitt Liza DeWitt ‘09 The DiPietro Family Justin DiPietro ‘07 Benjamin DiPietro ‘10 Evan DiPietro ‘13 Itai Disraeli Shere Disraeli ‘09 The Eisenman Family Thomas Eisenman ‘15 Karen and Eric Ende Duncan Ende ‘97 Nancy Epstein and Michael Wainman Elliot Wainman ‘08 Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton Augusta Dayton ‘11 James Dayton ‘14 Everett Dayton ‘14 Dene Feldman and Samuel M. Feldman Nathaniel Koenig ‘16 Lisa Flashner
Davey Bales ‘11 Sarah Bales ‘14
Dylan Hofmann ‘16 Lucy Hofmann ‘19 J. Michael and Suzanne Humphrey Corey Humphrey ‘05 David and Chloë Jones Sebastian Jones ‘16 Lewis and Sandra Kanengiser Joe Kanengiser ‘04 Gabe Kanengiser ‘10 Vickie and Stuart Karten Rachel Karten ‘09 Michael Katz and Holly Middlekauff Ben Katz ‘14 Haley Katz ‘17 Nick Kazan and Robin Swicord Zoe Kazan ‘95 Maya Kazan ‘99 Siri Simran Khalsa Nanak Nihal Khalsa ‘16 Laura and T.K. Knowles Genevieve Dunning ‘17 Tiger Knowles ‘25 Ricki Lake
Renee Baren
Matt Braun ‘93 Sarah Braun ‘94 Amy Braun ‘97 Lauren Glassman
Shaan Baren ‘11 Jessie Baren ‘14 Dara Baren ‘19 Deborah and Robert Barry Caroline Barry ‘06 Melanie and Peter Benefiel Jordan Benefiel ‘17 Joseph Benefiel ‘21 Diane and Jim Berliner David Berliner ‘99 Clare Bronowski and Jeff Lee Julia Broudy ‘16 Reid Broudy ‘19 Debra and William Brunsten Emily Brunsten ‘06 Dawn Buch Amanda Buch ‘12 Jason and Karen Carbone Olivia Carbone ‘16 Teddy Carbone ‘18 Lexy and John Carroll Melanie Carroll ‘09 Camden and Jay Cassidy Tessa Lee ‘12 Abby Lee ‘15 Wendy and Jeff Broudy
Miranda De Meo ‘07 Annabella De Meo ‘09
Sarah Minot Gold Asia Gold ‘15 The Gonzalez Family Tim Gonzalez ‘10 Curtis Graham Eli Graham ‘09 Haley Graham ‘12 Davis Guggenheim and Elisabeth Shue
Miles Guggenheim ‘16 Stella Guggenheim ‘19 Agnes Guggenheim ‘25 Fred and Tassie Hadlock-Piltz Gabby Hadlock-Piltz ‘05 James and Maria Hardy Dylan Hardy ‘13 Hope Haves and Tessa Westfall Tessa Westfall ‘14 The Hawley Family
Milo Sussman ‘15 Owen Sussman ‘19
Jake Marcus ‘17 Zac Marcus ‘20 Liseanne and Peter Frankfurt Sacha Frankfurt ‘16 Ines Frankfurt ‘18
Zander Hawley ‘15 Violet Hawley ‘18 Mira Hawley ‘21 Beckett Hawley ‘26
Sarah Cassidy ‘94 Sophie Cassidy ‘95
“There is something magical
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