Branches Book


and it’s why I speak words that are colored with caution -and distance. I am the distance that fills the spaces between seclusion and loneliness.

maybe i’m still trying to glue all my pieces back into a mold that doesn’t quite fit anymore.


this is how you

repair your bones that are cracked

a casualty of a war

this is how you

fill your heart to the top again, even if it begins spilling over

this is how you

forget the feeling of holes in your bones

and learn to find STRENGTH in that emptiness

this is how you

use your broken bones to become a warrior

this is how you

use the shards of your bones to wrench his insides

this is how you

pull the worst out from INSIDE him

this is how you

become stronger than him, even though his bones are in tact

and yours aren’t

this is how you

win the game, for YOU can be the single being that can lift the


and wreck it too.


it keeps getting darker because more of the lightbulbs in my bedroom have burst and the words “this is how it ends” won’t stop echoing in my head. i’ve been thinking about how the rhythm we speak in is the same as a heartbeat except heartbeats are butterflies and boys with cute smiles and sometimes deep brown eyes but


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