Branches Book


Will Lewis


The word Silverado comes from a time when the Spanish ruled much of what is now the Western United States. Many towns and features were named with a mixture of Spanish and English known as Spanglish. Essentially, Silverado means a place where silver can be found. FADE IN: EXT. HOUSE PARTY - NIGHT Small House party consisting of a few seemingly misfit kids. Close up of a hand holding a burning one dollar bill. Jordan, senior in high school. Lives in Los Angeles, he is a bright kid with friends yet occasionally lacks self esteem and motivation. BECK is one of his friends, has short brown hair. He wears loose and baggy clothing in order to reflect his generally laid back attitude. JORDAN What is the real value of this dollar bill? BECK

I don't know, its money. Try not to think about it too much we're at a party. Enjoy yourself! JORDAN Capitalism. This dollar bill is an ideological prop. It only has value because everyone believes in it. JORDAN (CONT'D) Do you ever feel trapped Beck? BECK How so?


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