Branches Book


ASHLEY Yeah I guess so.

(She is evidently uncomfortable and is looking around the party). JORDAN It's good news for the drought at least. ASHLEY I think my friends are calling me.

She walks away without any sight of her friends, leaving Jordan alone. It finally begins to rain. FADE TO: School INT: SMALL PRIVATE SCHOOL LOCATED IN LA - DAY Class just let out for lunch. Small groups of students leave the building. Jordan trails behind his friends. Beck looks back and addresses Jordan. EXT. LA RESIDENTIAL STREET BECK I feel like Mexican food. JORDAN I had that yesterday. BECK What's your point? (Jordan looks at Beck with disdain.) JORDAN

I just don't feel like eating Mexican food for the hundredth time in a row. You do know that your beloved burrito is not even an authentic Mexican dish. It was invented in the US during the 1930s.


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