Branches Book


SLOW MOTION. Bully #1 extends the bat over his head, coming down full force on Bobby’s face... #2 and #3 cover their eyes. Bully #1 looks down realizing what he has done, as they all run away quickly off into the distance. Bobby lays in the middle of the road, face up, mimicking the shot earlier in the film. CLOSE UP on Bobby’s face, as blood rushes out of his right eye. This is the moment his scar was created. A shooting star is visible out of the reflection of his left eye. BOBBY’S POV. The shooting star flies through the sky, again morphing into the same odd object. It becomes increasingly larger, but you still can’t make out its form. Then: The same white light fills the screen, accompanied by the high pitched white noise. FADE TO: INT. CLASSROOM – DAY Bobby is not a teenager. He sits in a classroom, sun shining on his face. The entire class seems to be bored, including Bobby. The teacher speaks in a monotone, unengaging voice. CAMERA locks on Bobby, slowly zooming on his face. TEACHER The next sighting took place in September of 1959, in Italy. The teacher has caught Bobby’s attention. TEACHER (CONT’D) A witness is said to have seen three objects in the sky, approximately 30 feet in di...


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