Branches Book


Bobby raises his hand... The teacher is caught off guard. TEACHER (CONT’D)

Bobby? Are you raising your hand? Well that’s a first! The class laughs, probably more than they usually would, due to the rarity of a joke from the teacher. Bobby is silent, and he looks down. TEACHER (CONT’D) Well what do you have to say Bobby? BOBBY Well... uh....


Spit it out... Again, the class laughs. BOBBY 1960. TEACHER

Yes, and what about it Bobby? BOBBY Well, uh... you said that the object was seen in 1959 but it was actually 1960.

Beat. The class is silent.

BOBBY (CONT’D) Oh and also... the object was 50 feet in diameter, not 30 feet. Synchronized, the class looks up at Bobby. Before anything could be said, the bell rings. The students race out of their seats.


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