Branches Book


CAMERA tracks as Bobby walks out of the classroom. White noise slowly increases as he walks. As soon as he exits the door, he falls over. BOBBY’S POV. A sign on the classroom door states, “YOU ARE A STAR!” Camera focuses in on the sign, as the white light fills the screen once again. In the background, students rush to help, and a couple take pictures. FADE TO: INT. MEAT FACTORY – NIGHT Bobby is now working in a meat factory. He wears a cooking smock that is completely covered in blood. Meat hangs all over the walls, flies are flying all around; a very dismal environment... “Torture” by Kris Jensen plays over the factory loud speaker. Montage of Bobby as he works at a conveyer belt. Someone is butchering a cow behind him. BOBBY (V.O.) kind of life is that? I say it’s a life worth living. The only life worth living. All I ever needed was the white light. Bobby walks out of the factory and gets in his beat up truck... He starts the engine... Again, “Torture” by Kris Jensen plays over the radio. STATIC SHOT of Bobby, as he sits in the driver’s seat, barely moving. You look at a man like me with pity. A man who has dedicated his whole life to something that cannot be explained. What


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