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like no other. I have always been very competitive throughout my life and fantasy football gives me the perfect outlet to express my competitive spirit. It is this competitive spirit that really propels my investment in the activity and makes me always crave more whenever I win or especially when I lose. Win or lose, my love for fantasy football remains the same and it is truly my favorite extracurricular activity. If you still think that I am lame for having such an overwhelming love for fantasy football I still understand, but at least now you know why I love it so much and what makes it so addictive.


1. Carter, C. D. "When Fantasy Football Becomes an Addiction." The New York Times, 27 Nov. 2012, when-fantasy-football-becomes-an-addiction/?_r=0. 2. Goff, Brian. "The $70 Billion Fantasy Football Market." , 20 Aug.

2013, the-70-billion-fantasy-football-market/#348cc205755c. Author’s Statement: Max Spitz

The essential concept for my Passion Project is the addictiveness of fantasy football and how during the NFL season it becomes such a huge part of many people’s lives, including mine. Although it is addictive, it isn’t something to be ashamed of. This paper covers my love and desire for fantasy football. I found it important to incorporate this passion because other people often will ridicule me or not take my passion for fantasy football seriously. Furthermore, I never feel comfortable in expressing why fantasy football is something that I am seriously passionate about to other people because it isn’t widely considered an extracurricular activity. This personal essay gives me the opportunity to express that. Instead of giving an elevator pitch to someone, I can give him or her a whole personal essay/research paper as evidence. I also found it important to inform those who know nothing about fantasy football about why it is such a national phenomenon. My objective in writing this was to leave the reader with an understanding about what makes it so addictive and about the enjoyment that it yields. My hopes for those who read this personal essay is to potentially influence them to try out fantasy football one day or to just become knowledgeable about it so that when their friend falls in love with it, they will know why.


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