Branches Book


Emma Stein


The world is far too driven by hate. People are hated because of the color of their skin, the people they love, and their faith. Until the day we can all respect and love one another, nothing will change. Our differences should unite us, not divide us. • • • As far as I know, everyone’s always hated the Jews. I’m not really sure why. Are we an inferior religion? I would think not. Is it our looks? That’d be rude. Our actions? What have we ever done? Regardless, Jews, as a people, are always fleeing. First, it was in Egypt, when we were slaves and Moses parted the sea, and now it’s the Holocaust. We just can’t catch a break. It’s like one long, long, long, long, long, long game of tag. Hold on, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me set the scene: My name is Mary Mendel. I was born on October 14 th , 1907 in Hamburg, Germany. My husband, Emil, was born 2 years before me, also in Hamburg- but I’ll get to him later. I lived in a comfortable apartment with my mom, my dad, and my brother. We lived in your typical Jewish part of town, and I went to an all girls Jewish school. My family was orthodox, so we were as Jewish as they come, and I didn’t hang out all that much with people who weren’t Jewish. Although Hitler wasn’t in power during my childhood, Anti-Semitism had already begun. Hitler did not found Anti-Semitism or make everyone dislike Jews, these feelings were already there and he just took full advantage of it. I know this because I was once tied to a tree for being Jewish before Hitler took over. When I was 15 my father died, and his death was a catalyst for my break from religion. Although I still strongly identified as a Jew, my religion just didn’t matter to me as much. I was an angsty teenager, what can I say? Still reeling from its defeat in World War 1, 1930’s Germany was kind of a mess. Both its government and its economy were weak. 6 million were unemployed in Germany in 1932, and many storeowners lost their businesses. Germany was in an economic depression. This weakened and insecure state left room for a new power. The people wanted a change, and they got one. Hitler promised a better future, and for people who were struggling to get by, this was too enticing to pass up. Hitler’s smooth talking and strong voice spoke to young people and those living in poverty. The Nazi party rose to power quickly, and in 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor. He began to hunt Jews and imprison them. It only went downhill from there, and thus began the massacre of millions of Jewish people.


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