Branches Book




III I’m tired of romanticizing the adolescent experience. I’m tired of the numerous amounts of people telling me that This, These couple of years, Are the best of my life. If this is the best my life can produce, Then why am I still living? Then why am I constantly looking towards a future That seems brighter Bigger Better. Why am I always looking towards what’s next? Why can I not be here, in the now, present and alert and willing? I have never wanted anything more than to not be here. In this place. With these people.

Am I trying to rush my life? I don’t want to sit here and write about the life I want –The life that is just within reach I don’t want to beg for an existence that I could have Someday. I wish I could believe those people when they say

These years will be the best of your life. I wish I could agree with them or at least

Feel some of what they mean When they think back to their Adolescence. IV You were my great love story, But–

There was no possible reasoning for why you chose me. You, the boy who shoveled driveways for our neighbors Without asking for anything in return. You, the boy who held his sister while she cried


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