Branches Book


INT. CLAIRE'S BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER CLAIRE is still staring out of her window. CLAIRE (yelling into another room) Can you please take me surfing? MOM (O.S.) I'm busy, honey. CLAIRE, annoyed, gets up and goes into the next room. INT. MASTER BEDROOM – CONTINUOUS CLAIRE’s mom sits on the floor of her bedroom dressed in all black going through a box of old photos and clothing. CLAIRE walks into the room. CLAIRE Why are you doing this again? MOM Can you please just leave me alone, Claire? CLAIRE

I know we all have our own ways of coping with death, but it’s been three years and every time you do this you get even more depressed. MOM Claire! (Calmer) Honey. Please leave me alone.

INT. LIAM'S HOUSE, LIVING ROOM – DAY LIAM is sitting on an old sofa, staring straight ahead. He looks abandoned and helpless. He's too small for the house. All of a sudden LIAM hears footsteps walking towards the house. He turns his head towards the door in anticipation. An arm


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