Branches Book


CLAIRE leaves. LIAM gets up, closes the door, and walks to the bedroom. EXT. LIAM'S HOUSE – CONTINUOUS CLAIRE leaves the house and runs into her house. INT. CLAIRE'S BEDROOM – CONTINUOUS CLAIRE grabs a jar of money off her shelf and pockets five one dollar bills. INT. CLAIRE'S GARAGE – CONTINUOUS CLAIRE grabs her board, an object much taller than she is, and runs outside. EXT. LOS ANGELES NEIGHBORHOOD – CONTINUOUS CLAIRE is walking through a lower-middle class neighborhood and sees the bus she is trying to catch stopped at the bus stop. With her board weighing her down, CLAIRE runs to catch it but the bus drives away. Defeated, she walks through a group of people, hitting someone on her way to the bus stop bench. She sits down and places her board CLAIRE gets on the bus and accidentally hits someone behind her with her board. The person looks annoyed. CLAIRE feels bad. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER LIAM lies down on the bed and stares at a slowly spinning ceiling fan. The movement of the fan brings him back to his time in Afghanistan. Helicopter propellers meld with the propellers of the fan. The thundering noise of the helicopter taking off is overwhelming and is mixed with the sound of gunshots. Once in the sky, the helicopter explodes. LIAM is standing in the desert. A soldier runs towards him. SOLDIER on the ground. Exhausted. INT. BUS - MOMENTS LATER


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