Branches Book


EXT. BATTLEFIELD – DAY LIAM and a SOLDIER are loading amputated soldiers onto stretchers. LIAM turns around to see one of his comrades shooting into the distance. The sound of the gunshots begins to mix with the sound of someone knocking on a door. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE BEDROOM – MORNING LIAM's eyes shoot open. He hears the knocking again. He gets up fast and runs to his front door. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM – CONTINUOUS LIAM opens the door to find CLAIRE. He looks confused. CLAIRE is holding a muffin on a paper plate. CLAIRE Morning! I brought you a muffin. LIAM No thanks. CLAIRE Sorry if I woke you.

LIAM That's alright. CLAIRE I was wondering if you were free today. LIAM What? CLAIRE Like if you had some time to drive me somewhere? LIAM Um...Do your parents know you're asking me this? CLAIRE


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