Branches Book


CLAIRE (CONT'D) I'll be two hours. You can go home if you want and then come back. LIAM I'll just wait here.

EXT. PARKING LOT – DAY CLAIRE puts wax on her board. INT. CAR – DAY Through the car door, LIAM hears the sound of the wax thumping against CLAIRE’s surfboard. He visualizes an empty desert and hears far off explosions mixing with the sound of the wax against the board. The sound stops. LIAM is back to reality and watches as CLAIRE runs to the sand. LIAM gets out of the car. EXT. BEACH – DAY LIAM walks on the sand slowly and looks at the horizon as it melts into the Afghan desert then changes back to the beach. The vision of the desert startles him and he quickly walks back to the car. INT. CAR – DAY LIAM sits in the car while CLAIRE puts her board on the roof. She then climbs in the car. CLAIRE Thanks for waiting. That was nice of you. LIAM Sure. CLAIRE My parents never take me surfing. LIAM Really? Why?


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