Branches Book


CLAIRE They don’t care about my needs or passions or anything important like that. LIAM I’m sure that’s not true.

CLAIRE Well, it feels like it is.

INT. LIAM'S HOUSE BEDROOM – NIGHT LIAM lies on his bed staring at the fan above him as he imagines: EXT. AFGHAN DESERT – DAY A helicopter rises, flies off and, this time, it does not explode. Now there is just an empty desert. A SOLDIER runs over to LIAM. SOLDIER LIAM runs with the SOLDIER to the two wounded and bloody soldiers lying on the ground. LIAM hears the sound of waves in the background. He looks up to see an ocean in the distance. Gaining the composure he previously lacked, LIAM helps the SOLDIER lift one of the wounded men onto a stretcher. As the sound of waves becomes louder, LIAM lifts the other soldier onto a stretcher. The sound of a helicopter moves closer as LIAM looks up to see another helicopter arrive. The sun flares. FADE TO: White INT. HALLWAY – DAY CLAIRE walks past her mom’s room and glances at her mom sitting on the floor and looking like a mess. CLAIRE leaves the house. That was the med evac! Come over here and help us with the guys they left.


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