Branches Book


EXT. LIAM'S DRIVEWAY – MORNING LIAM is kneeling on the driveway ferociously unscrewing something on the bike, trying to fix it. CLAIRE walks up to him. CLAIRE Hi! LIAM (monotone) Claire. CLAIRE EXT. PARKING LOT – DAY LIAM slams the car door shut. CLAIRE has already run down the beach. This time, however, LIAM is barefoot and has his pants rolled up. EXT. BEACH – DAY As LIAM walks through the sand, he sees flashes of desert. Once he reaches the ocean, the flashes stop. He puts his feet in the water. INT. CAR – DAY LIAM sits in the car. CLAIRE enters. CLAIRE Do you want to learn how to surf? I could teach you tomorrow! LIAM I'm fine. Thanks. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE BEDROOM – NIGHT Is there any chance you could take me to the beach again? LIAM No muffin this time?


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