Branches Book


LIAM lies in bed looking at his fan. He starts to imagine the medical evacuation helicopter. He opens his eyes and gets up. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER LIAM is now standing on a ladder attempting to unscrew the fan. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER LIAM now lies on his bed looking at a ceiling with no fan. He closes his eyes and, for the first time, looks at peace. INT. LIAM'S HOUSE, LIVING ROOM – MORNING CLAIRE knocks on the door. LIAM answers. CLAIRE Hi! LIAM Do you think I'll even be able to stand on one of those boards? CLAIRE EXT. BY THE OCEAN – DAY Both LIAM and CLAIRE are in wetsuits. CLAIRE is lying on the board showing LIAM how to properly pop-up. LIAM watches carefully. CLAIRE Okay. Your turn. LIAM lies down on the board. CLAIRE watches. CLAIRE (CONT'D) Paddle, paddle, paddle... Pop-up! LIAM does the motions in the sand. CLAIRE (CONT'D) Alight, nine more! Yes! Let me go grab the other one!


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