Branches Book


About eleven months after Marian’s incident, Marcus returned, hoping The Surge had come to a halt. However, much to his surprise, the The Surge was more lively than ever. Rather than running away, Marcus chose to return to his old office. He thought he could fix it all, create a new and strong software. Marcus worked all day and all night for weeks, having to rely on as little technology as possible to make his software. When he felt his software was done, he grabbed a standard computer and carefully installed the new software. He replaced the computer’s chip to ensure that this computer would comply to all of its programming. But when he turned his back, the excess chip flew off the desk, where he had placed it, and plunged deeply into his skull. Marcus let out a cry of agony, followed by a thump onto the floor and went unconscious. He was unconscious for days. It was all over the news. Once he woke up, the press began to tell the public that the issue was fixed, The Surge was over. Marcus soon returned to his normal life. The people closest to him started noticing a difference in his behavior. Marcus had previously had a happy disposition, but he now had temper tantrums and experienced moods swings. There was one story, not sure how true this is, that he threw a glass vase of “flowers” at his own mother. After three weeks of being awake and active in the community, Marcus spent the night at a hotel where the world’s largest and most important technological convention was held. The hotel was called The Apple, a high profile vintage themed hotel. I believe named after an old fashioned technology company. The Apple was full of wealthy and well-known guests, many of whom worked in the technology business. It was 3:29 am, and Marcus was in his room asleep. He suddenly jolted upward and let out a scream of pain. The pain filled cry then turned into a roar. The staff of the hotel, not human of course, were sent to his room. When the staff arrived Marcus was making a grumbling noise, the same noise Marian had heard before she entered the kitchen. The staff, equipped with the software Marcus himself had created, attempted to subdue him. Marcus was now too strong, his hand reached behind his head and ripped out the chip. Marcus placed the bloody chip inside the head staffer. This caused the previous, rebellion causing software to be reinstalled in all of the present staffers. Seconds later the door to Marcus’ room flung open, a circle of hotel staffers emerged, with Marcus in the center. The group sped down the hallway. The staffers knocked on the door at the end of the hallway, the room of Griffin Len. Griffin Len owned the company responsible for creating staffers and other robots responsible for performing human tasks. Griffin opened the door. The staff grabbed his limbs and pinned him against the wall.


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