Our Wildwood, Spring 2022, Volume 47
Marie Tharp I finally finished my map of the ocean floor! It only took me a year or so. What do you think? #ScientistsWhoSelfie #OceanArtist #Queenofmaps
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Chien-Shiung Wu Just proved that parity isn’t valid in data decay with @tsungdaolee and @chenningyang #ScientistsWhoSelfie #WomenWithAPurpose
amazing story; it was adapted from a book released that same year. “Before that, there was nothing written about Katherine Johnson, and now there’s so much out there,” she said. “For a lot of these scientists, no one’s written the story.” But that became a fun part of this project, Boucher said, as even she discovered scientists she’d never heard about before. After their research, students had to find an image, create a post relevant to the image, and write the short summary accessible via the QR Code. The latter was the students’ idea, Boucher said, because they wanted the other students reading the tweets to be able to learn more than 280 characters would allow. Students also proposed the display site and the website. “We had ideas going into it, but the project also grew based on ideas the kids had,” Boucher said. Boucher was surprised that the kids have been transfixed by the tweets for months. “We usually rotate the work on display, but I haven’t taken these down. The kids will look at them every single day because they are so engaging.” Excited by the work of those six lessons, the fifth graders have been generating more ideas related to educating others about scientists. One student suggested, “This person would make a great Google doodle!” For Boucher, the wheels are already turning for next year. “How cool if we actually got kids’ doodles published on Google? What a fun way to break those stereotypes.” W
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George Washington Carver Uuugh these farmers will not budge they only want to plant cotton!!! #ScientistsWhoSelfie #farmersunited #croprotation
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Check out more tweets and learn more about the #ScientistsWhoSelfie project here!
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