Our Wildwood, Summer 2017, Volume 41
5-YEAR Amy Abrams Susan Chung-Fontaine Sharon Fagen Molly Kirkpatrick Lori Strauss Steven Barrett 10-YEAR Sean Daniels Seth Gordon Landis Green Manfredo Grellert Ruth Gutierrez Claudio Hernández Randy LaStrapes Zach Menzer Alton Price Timothy Sekula Tassie Hadlock-Piltz Claudia Jaime Hatter Doreen Kaye Melinda Tsapatsaris 20-YEAR Roxanne Bergmans 30-YEAR Shahrzad Khonsari 15-YEAR Melissa Bales Laura Forsythe
Sherry Zoe Hazel
the struggles and stretches that children face and helps them turn efforts into assets. Returning 10 years later as a parent with a child in her class, I see that Sherry remains as curious as ever, reflective, always wanting to learn more and grow as a teacher. She is willing to learn and try new things, both personally and professionally, using a beginner’s mind—the essential trait of a lifelong learner and the essence of a gifted educator. I know I am only one in a huge sea of students and parents who owe a debt of gratitude to Sherry for her teaching and dedication to children.
Andrew Solmssen noted. “Students come back to visit after many years, and she’s always quick to remind them of a time settling a dispute with ‘the peace path,’ her doll role-playing from ‘Woodwild’ school, or exploits from ‘the 100th day.’” Now, as a parent in the Seal Pod, I get to view Hazel through Sherry’s eyes. I have seen Hazel grow and stretch and get to know herself better in Sherry’s classroom. I have witnessed Sherry’s celebration of Hazel’s perseverance in mastering the monkey bars. I have seen Sherry guide Hazel through hard challenges and widened her tolerance for frustration. Sherry helps to normalize
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