Our Wildwood, Summer 2018, Volume 43
Lucy B. ’19
Junior Lucy B. received a 2018 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards National Gold Medal in photography. The award letter stated: “Since 1923, the Awards have recognized creative teenagers from
around the country … you join a legacy of celebrated authors and artists including Andy Warhol, Sylvia Plath, Truman Capote, Robert Redford, Joyce Carol Oates. Nearly 350,000 works of art and writing were submitted by students in grades 7-12 this year. Receiving a National Medal places you within the top 1% of all submissions!”
Becca visited China as a representative of the American Education Federation (AEF) to introduce Chinese educators to project-based teaching and writing rubrics to assess students. With a colleague, she presented at four schools (three in Bejing and one in Xi’an). Becca said she found it rewarding that teachers were so receptive to helping students develop their own voices and learning to collaborate while meeting certain skills and standards.
Monique Marshall, 5TH GRADE TEACHER
Monique was a keynote presenter at the inaugural Los Angeles Young Child Expo & Conference. The title of her talk was “Never Too Young: A Call to Action for Equity, Inclusion and Multicultural Work in Preschool and Elementary School.” Attendees came from Australia, Canada, China, Iceland, Nepal, Nigeria, Palau,
Panama, and Uganda. The conference follows the tradition of its highly regarded New York City Young Child Expo & Conference, now in its 15th year, with 1,500 people attending from 20 countries.
Cesar D. ’18, Kamal M. ’18, Myles O. ’18 Three Wildwood seniors were honored with exclusive college awards! Pictured from left to right: Cesar D.
received a College Match Scholarship through the Questbridge Program, which includes a full, four-year scholarship to Bowdoin College in Maine. The National College Match is a highly competitive process, requiring impressive academic achievements. Kamal M. and Myles O. were named 2017 Posse Scholars at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Tulane University, respectively. Identified for their leadership ability and motivation to succeed, Posse Scholars head campus organizations, encourage dialogue and programs that foster an inclusive campus environment, and achieve academic success.
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