Our Wildwood, Summer 2018, Volume 43
SPECIAL FEATURE Tribute to Hope Boyd
Hope Boyd: In Memoriam
THERE WAS NOTHING ORDINARY ABOUT HOPE BOYD. Some people resign themselves to living in the world as it is, but Wildwood’s beloved former head of school saw beyond that, to the possibilities inspired by young lives dedicated to exploring the world as it might be. Her particular brand of magic was infusing those lives with a sense of wonder—nurturing in students the curiosity to learn new things and instilling in them the self-confidence to pursue their dreams. When Hope came to Wildwood in 1992, two things were immediately apparent: She would not be deterred from doing everything in her power to advance the interests of the school, and she would not be shaken from her singular focus on the students in her care. For Hope, it was all about the kids, and she worked tirelessly on their behalf, prioritizing their needs from both an educational and individual development perspective.
Reflections on Hope:
“Hope was a force of nature, an endless advocate for students and teachers and a visionary at our school. Like many parents, I have so many fond memories of her but what I loved—perhaps the most—was her insistence that children should be heard and validated. At All School Meetings, when a 5-year-old said something cute, she would hold up her hand, as if to remind us that this was not a precious moment to be giggled at. This was a young person expressing their thoughts, and all thoughts mattered and were to be respected. As a leader, she saw the school through so many important moments—especially the founding of the Secondary School. Through good times and bad, she always stood as a strong core, advocating for what she believed would best guide us in the future. As a board member, I learned from her what matters to the faculty, how to understand the academic culture and support the most important aspect and asset of Wildwood— our teachers. As a family, we are forever grateful for the values that Wildwood instilled in our children. Hope was a big part of our lives. She was a guiding beacon and the world is a bit dimmer today without her.”
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