Our Wildwood, Summer 2019, Volume 45

DONOR PROFILE Thanks to our generous supporters

MEET Wildwood Parents Mark and Claudia Schwartz

WHAT STARTED OUT AS A SCHOOL SEARCH FOR JUST two of Mark and Claudia Schwartz’s children (Jude ’29 and Aden ‘22) quickly became a whole Schwartz family affair. “Our daughter Noe was in 4th grade at the time and still had two years left at her former elementary school,” Claudia says. “However, when Noe saw Wildwood and learned more about the environment her brothers would experience, she was immediately drawn to the school—and we were, too.” With three children enrolled, Mark and Claudia have a vested interest in Wildwood’s success and have shown their generous support for the Annual Giving program and other fundraising initiatives for the past three years. However, their family’s definition of giving back extends beyond just writing a check. “If we’re going to be part of the community, we want to be a real part of the community—pitching in as volunteers, participating in the Annual Giving drive, lending support wherever it is needed,” Mark adds. “Giving back is one of our family values and part of our

Jewish faith, and we want to set an example for our children on how to apply this value in daily life.” For this reason, Mark and Claudia are familiar faces at both campuses practically any day of the week. Since joining the Wildwood community in 2016, both parents have participated as active members of the Wildwood Parent Organization (WWPO) and enjoy hosting class events and dinners for new families at their home. As a parent ambassador, Claudia frequently meets with prospective families during open houses at both campuses. “Wildwood is our second home,” Mark says, jokingly. “We know the security guards, we know the teachers—to be on campus and see your donation at work is truly rewarding.” A rare trifecta—parents of an elementary, middle and an upper school student—the Schwartzes are afforded a rare firsthand glimpse into Wildwood’s pedagogy and how its progressive approach to learning is demonstrated at each grade level. “There is an authenticity to Wildwood’s commitment to academic and personal growth that is visible in every aspect of the school,” Mark says. “Each of our children is very different, and yet, you can see how the tenets of a Wildwood education are taking shape within each of them in their own way.” Like many Wildwood parents, it is the type of experience they wish was part of their own education. “I didn’t like to speak in class, and fortunately, I rarely had to,” Mark says. “By contrast, we look at our kids, and each of them can stand up confidently in front of anyone and express their thoughts—a skill many students don’t get to practice until business or graduate school.” Claudia adds, “We’re incredibly grateful for Wildwood and are confident that this environment is helping Jude, Noa and Aden become the best versions of themselves for graduation and beyond.”



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