Our Wildwood, Summer 2021, Volume 46
Our Wildwood is published twice a year by Wildwood School’s Office of Advancement.
Your generous tax-deductible support of Wildwood makes a profound difference in the lives of our students. Wildwood offers many opportunities to support the school, including the Wildwood Fund— our annual giving program, capital and major gifts, endowment support, company matching, and planned giving. Visit wildwood.org/makeagift for more information, or please contact Director of Annual Giving Danielle Lesner at dlesner@wildwood.org or (310) 806-4525.
Amy Abrams Director of College Counseling and Alumni Relations
Hunter Hackett Director of Marketing and Communications
Kristin Hampton Director of Institutional Advancement
Seth Kao Advancement Services Manager
Danielle Kraten Marketing and Communications Associate
Danielle Lesner Director of Annual Giving Julie Potts Advancement Coordinator
Chay Thaopaset Director of Digital Communications and Media
Paige Verdun ‘13 Advancement Assistant for Events and Alumni Relations
Editorial Consultant: Bonnie Powers Editor-in-Chief: Hunter Hackett Editor: Chay Thaopaset Copy Editor: Jeannine Santiago Designer: Elizabeth Burrill
1998: Board of Trustees and staff who voted to approve K-12 expansion (photo from page 8)
Special thanks to the following contributors: Students Joseph B. ‘21 for his interviews on pages 10-11 and Marika V. ‘22 for her article on page 46; faculty Michelle Meena for coordinating the Lasting Leadership quotes on pages 32-37 and Alberto Duarte, Jennifer Collins and Claudia Gonzalez for their contributions to the Timeline on pages 26-31 and historical staff research for Lasting Leadership on pages 32-35; former faculty Bonnie Powers for serving as editorial consultant for this issue, Colleen Pundyk for her contributions to Looking Back on the Founding of Wildwood on pages 4-9 and the Timeline on pages 26-31, and Jeanne Fauci for her contributions to Looking Back on the Founding of Wildwood on pages 4-9; and to Doreen Leddy, alumni parent of Owen ‘11 and Charlotte ‘18, for her research and development of the 50th Anniversary Timeline on pages 26-31.
Back row (L to R): Phil Boesch, Denise McLeod, Tom Schulman, Chris Dorr, Sandi Mineo, Lyle Poncher, Erin Mulcahy Stein, Colleen Pundyk, Jan Minium, and John Friedman; middle row (L to R): Peter Hursh, Andrea Dembrowski, Larry Jacobson, Robin Swicord, Luellen Lucid, Jeanne Fauci, Miguel Sandoval, and Hope Boyd; front row (L to R): Marcia Capparela, Patty Dorsey, and Eric Nadel
Please send address updates to: Wildwood School Attention: Advancement Office
11811 Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.806.4517 oww@wildwood.org
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