Our Wildwood, Volume 48
After a dominating season, the upper school girls varsity volleyball team easily qualified for the CIF playoffs, putting the team among the ranks of California’s best.
Theo and his classmates had another amazing run at the Mt. Sac Cross Country Invitational, one of the most famous races in the country. The boys team placed 4th in an extremely competitive race alongside the #1, #5, and #8 ranked teams in their section, as well as a team from Canada. After qualifying for CIF playoffs, the team raced in the Southern Section prelims with 60 other schools. In order to advance to the finals, Wildwood needed to be top four in its heat of 16—and did just that! Led by Theo and Mason C. ‘23, who came in 6th and 7th overall in the race, the boys capped off the season by competing in the Southern Section Finals—the first time Wildwood has qualified for the Finals as a full team. Lastly, our “Water Wolves” made a splash throughout the middle school swimming season. “From our first meet, Cy B. ‘27 and Julia K. ‘27 deserve a huge shout out as both swimmers always bring positivity and fierceness to practices and swim meets,” says middle school swimming coach Drea Hura. “Cy is the ultimate teammate who always cheers his teammates on and accepts all challenges from his coaches and Julia brings dedication, but a quiet fire, as she demonstrated taking her relay team out of third place and bumping them up to second with her strong sprint in her 200 yard freestyle relay.” This same sportsmanship is on display at elementary, where any 5th grade student interested in learning more about a sport can participate in seasonal athletics clinics. Throughout the fall, 5th grade girls met weekly with coach Sarah Schemerhorn to practice drills and build skills such as dribbling, shooting, rebounding, and passing. “We are thrilled to have so many young athletes wanting to learn the fundamentals of basketball,” says Sarah. “At elementary, we are focused on meeting kids where they are developmentally and building coordination skills, as well as the Life Skills of Effort, Courage, and Perseverance, which will serve them regardless of whether they choose to play competitively in middle and upper school.” Make no mistake—Wildwood Wolves are on the prowl!
For more on Wildwood’s athletics program, visit www.wildwood.org/ student-life/athletics.
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