Our Wildwood, Winter 2018, Volume 42
Author Visit: Marie Lu
Our Wildwood /Winter 2018 26/27
Pride andPrejudice snap !
{ AUTHOR VISIT: 1 Legend series author Marie Lu spoke to an eager group of middle schoolers about her life as a writer of young adult fiction, being an immigrant, her early influences, and dealing with rejection as a young writer. { JOG-A-THON: 2 Thanks to the entire Wildwood community, elementary students ran more than 5,560 . laps and donated more than 300 pairs of shoes at the 31st annual Jog-a-Thon! { PRIDE AND PREJUDICE PRODUCTION: 3 The talented thespians of Wildwood’s upper school brilliantly performed a stage adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. { INNOVATED.LA: 4 Wildwood Institute for STEM Research and Development (WISRD) hosted InnovatED.LA, a popular event that engages visitors from all around Southern California in activities that explored rockets,
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