HEAD LINE byauthor Edi t or ?s Not e Welcome to Volume 6, Issue 2 of the Inquirer . In this edit ion, you?ll find wr it ing from both seniors and ninth graders in the Inst itute, and read art icles on biology, biotechnology, diversity in STEM, stat ist ics, and more that reflect the evolut ion of WISRD Publicat ions I?ve witnessed dur ing my t ime as Senior Editor. Over the past two years, WISRD members, wr iters, our Scient ific Wr it ing Coach, Dr. Amielle Moreno, our Editor ial Team, and our Graphic Design Team have worked t irelessly to elevate the quality of The Inquirer and the WISRD Research Journal. From collaborat ing with Dr. Moreno through the WISRD Fellows program to at tending our bi-annual Inquirer wr it ing workshop to working remotely on creat ive designs, these groups and individuals have been instrumental in helping WISRD further develop into a fully-funct ioning Inst itute and solidifying scient ific wr it ing as a pillar of the Inst itute learning model.

As Inst itute members have invested more energy and t ime into developing their scient ific wr it ing skills, I?ve had the pr ivilege of watching their abilit ies to communicate their research and art iculate their thinking benefit every facet of the Inst itute.

We hope you enjoy the first WISRD Publicat ion of 2021, and hope you?ll cont inue to follow WISRD wr it ing and research in the year to come.

As always, I?d like to thank our Assistant Editor, Nnenna Brown, Publisher, Scot t Johnson, WISRD COO, Joe Wise, WISRD Fellow and Wr it ing Coach Dr. Amielle Moreno, wr iters, and Graphic Design Team ? Mar ley Geisler-Amhowitz, Reiland Bruksot ter, and Maddy Giddings ? and their instructor Pat ter Hellstrom. As always, please feel free to reach out to me at danib21@wildwood.org if you have any quest ions or would like to contr ibute to a WISRD Publicat ion!

Sincerely, Dani Barret t Senior Editor of WISRD Publicat ions Inst itute Director



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