On the other end of the spectrum are high-tech robot ic prosthet ics. These prosthet ics contain a mult itude of electronic components and can perform complex maneuvers, though even these models have their limitat ions. One common issue with robot ic prosthet ics is that the prosthet ics internal computers can?t different iate between a user ?s at tempt to perform one mot ion over another. These prosthet ics can ident ify a user ?s at tempt to move a missing extremity, but this is the extent of its capabilit ies. With only one significant detectable mot ion, the possible maneuvers are limited. The ability to move the prosthet ic through brain and muscle act ivity detect ion is no small feat , however, and the devices usually cost upwards of $10,000. As you can see, modern prosthet ic technology has come a long way from the simple hook of the pirate days. In an at tempt to advance these technologies further, engineers have begun to integrate ultrasound technology into new prosthet ics, a major improvement over the previous electromyogram (EMG) technology, in which sensors that are placed on a pat ient?s skin to measure the electr ic current being emit ted from the muscles. ?EMG sensors aren?t very accurate. They can detect a muscle movement , but the signal is too noisy to infer which finger the person wants to move,?Gil Weinberg, a Georgia Tech

researcher, said. Weinberg?s team at Georgia Tech have begun placing ultrasound probes on pat ients' skin instead. One of the team?s tr ials involved a pat ient who had his arm amputated below the elbow, so with the ultrasound probe, the scient ists were able to ident ify when the pat ient was trying to move a specific finger or limb. If the ultrasound technology used in this study is integrated into modern prosthet ics, pat ients may enjoy more reliable and responsive prosthesis. This will not be the end of the line for prosthet ic development , with much room left to grow. And if research cont inues to move in the r ight direct ion, we may one day see prosthet ic technology the likes of which we can now only dream of? or see in Star Wars.


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