consistent ly in order to be an efficient point-earner. A shot from the corner of the three-point line averages 1.16 points-per-at tempt , and a shot from the top of the three-point line averages 1.05 points-per-at tempt . Teams quickly realized this and the three-point era of basketball skyrocketed. In 1979, the average team
boost in at tent ion, but it also sparked the stat ist ical era of basketball. As teams became acquainted with the three-point line, they began to realize the potent ial it harnessed. Shots at tempted within the three-point line are worth two points, but not every shot is made. Shots at tempted within three feet of the hoop are converted only 60% of the t ime, meaning that the average points-per-shot-at tempt on shots within three feet is 1.2. This number decreases significant ly as the shot moves farther away. Any shot made from further than three feet from the basket , yet within the three-point line, only averages 0.79 points-per-at tempt . However, a shot from outside of the three-point line does not need to be made as
shot 2.8 threes per game. In the 2020-2021 season, Warr iors?guard Steph Curry alone has been shoot ing 11.3 threes per game. It?s not just Steph. In the 2016-2017 season, teams shot an average of 26 threes per game. In 2020-2021, the Cleveland Cavaliers were last in the league in three-point at tempts per game at 26.8 and yet st ill surpassed the 2016 average. The Port land Trailblazers are leading the NBA with near ly 43 at tempts per game, a massive jump from just a few years ago. This movement toward more
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