What does the future look like for data in the NBA?Teams already have begun using all sorts of research to figure out the best training regimen, the best diet , and the best arch on a shot , leaving no stone unturned. The future appears to be that basketball, at least at a professional level, will be broken down by the second, both on the court and off. Players will be put on schedules for when they eat , sleep, and exercise in order to maximize potent ial. Teams? rotat ions will be predetermined to have each player playing with only the teammates who fit the best together, and only for a set amount of t ime. And teams will be in an endless search for the next big discovery that will give them the edge over the others. This league of extreme precision will beg the quest ion of whether too much analyt ics is taking from the sport more than it is giving. As basketball enters a new era of hyper-analysis, teams are forget t ing the Warr iors owed their edge over the Rockets to a delicate balance of both analyt ics and raw preparat ion, instead of solely the former.

Warriors' Shot Chart

Rockets' Shot Chart


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