of get t ing a surgical site infect ion through regular surgery are already between 1 and 3%, so that means that regular surgery isn?t extremely dangerous and that robot-assisted surgery is the only opt ion, with the help of a robot , however, that minimal r isk is only reduced. Right now, not everyone can afford robot-assisted surgery, which st ill costs about $3,000 to $6,000 more than the already-hefty pr ice of a tradit ional surgery. As the technology improves, however, manufacturers will be able to produce robot ic surgical technology more cheaply. Therefore, the cost of these procedures will eventually drop, allowing more equitable access for people in many financial posit ions. Plus, as more insurance companies realize the benefits of robot-assisted surgery, they might begin to cover these procedures as well. In the meant ime, robot-assisted surgery is an excellent opt ion if your surgery requires a high level of precision and you?re able and willing to pay the extra amount . All we can do is look to the future and see the improvements that are already being made in the field of surgical medicine.
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