WISRD Research & Engineering Journal

Figure 19. Seawater brought up to tank temperature with aquarium heaters. 2.6 Schedule for Water Testing, Water Changes, Filter Cleaning A 10 percent water change and testing of tank water is done every one to two weeks. Filter cleaning is done every two months. 2.7 Procedure for Purchasing and Adding New Corals Coral fragments for the research tanks were purchased from Unique Corals 16116 Covello St Van Nuys, CA 19406 Coral Rx dip is used to treat incoming corals fragments since they may possess parasites that would be determinantal if introduced into the research tank. Coral Rx is effective at eradicating flatworm parasites such as that shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. Left Coral Rx dip. Right: Photomicroscopy of coral parasites (flatworms) that fall off coral fragments when the fragments are dipped in Coral Rx, seen at 10x power.


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