WISRD Research & Engineering Journal

15.59 to 27.00

18.95 to 18.38


27.0 to 46.77

18.38 to 17.80


>46.77 9 Figure 2. Table showcasing data of light pollution in Southern California 2.2 Air Quality & Pollution >17.80

Air pollution is caused by particulate matter which reflects light back to earth, brightening the view of the sky. This sky brightening masks the astronomer's view of celestial objects, particularly faint objects like nebulae and galaxies. The air pollution data we gathered revealed that Big Bear had substantially lower levels of pollution in the air. Big Bear had an average reading of 42 compared to Los Angeles that had an average number of around 70.

Figure 3. Map of the air quality in Southern California.

Figure 4. Map of the air quality in Big Bear City, California.


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