WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
3.1 TinkerCad Design The WISRD RECON team’s main agenda was to design an observatory. The goal was to set up the WBBO (WISRD Big Bear Observatory). This will be the future permanent location for our robotic telescope. Establishing measurements for the general layout of the observatory was the initial priority. For this process, I collaborated with fellow WISRD member Ian Norfolk. The proposed TinkerCad design for the observatory would utilize a conventional garage door system with one or two servo motors pulling a belt to move the observatory door, allowing the telescope to be exposed to the sky. The plan was to produce modular walls for transport efficiency and to lay down a concrete foundation. The Observatory would house WISRD's exoplanet detector (part of the international PANOPTES Network), its radio telescope (part of the DSPiRA international network), as well as its 12" Meade optical telescope (part of the regional RECON network). 3.2 Materials There were five main components that made up the structure of the observatory. The first element was a concrete slab which was to be poured in place at the designated location in Big Bear. The second piece of the structure were 2” by 4” structural members which created the main building frame. Oak wood infill panels were to be mounted in between the structural members to create a full enclosure. A metal door would be utilized to provide access for the maintenance and operation of the telescope. Finally, a standard prefabricated garage door was to be attached on the top of the structure. This movable piece would allow for easy use of the telescope. (Please review Figure 5 to understand the schematic design of the project).
Figure 6. Axonometric TinkerCad drawing of the observatory.
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