WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
consequently an idea of its surface composition. This information furthers our knowledge of the origins of our solar system. 1.1 SAOimageDS9 The first software that was installed to make light curve graphs was SAOimageDS9. SAOimageDS9 was able to take “.fits” images and use image contrast control to brighten them. However, the software could not layer the images or view multiple images at once. The “.gif” made using this was created by manually contrasting multiple images and turning the “.fits” files into “.png” files then finally putting them into a “.gif” creator. SAOimageDS9 was also incapable of creating light curves without heavy augmentation. Most of the time spent trying to create light curves was spent trying to download additional resources to create light curves. This was eventually stopped when PyMovie was introduced. 1.2 PyMovie The analysis tool being used currently is PyMovie which is used by the wider RECON community. This method was presented to the Wildwood RECON team during the Eurybates Campaign in North Las Vegas. During the Campaign the leaders of RECON Dr. Marc Bouie and Dr. John Keller gave a demonstration of the PyMovie software with members of the development community who assisted them in their explanation. PyMovie is able to take whole folders of “.fits” files and other types and load them into a viewer. It is also able to create light curves and a file for checking the validity of the occultation. 1.3 Pyote During the introduction of PyMovie a second software program, Pyote, was introduced. Pyote uses the histograms produced by PyMovie to analyze the time and light of the occultation to verify whether it was an occultation or an anomaly. Pyote was explained by Dr. Marc Bouie and Dr. John Keller after their explanation of PyMovie. 2. How to use PyMovie After an event find where the “.fits” files are stored on the device /server. If the files are on a server drag them to the desktop of a computer that has PyMovie installed. Make sure that the “.fits” files are all in one folder as that is necessary for the next step. Open PyMovie and wait for the program to load.
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