WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
2.1 Contrast Controls When a “.fits” is first opened in PyMovie the screen will display a black image. At the top of the window there is a small bar of noise. This is useful to tell if a “.fits” image has been loaded properly. This is also useful to tell if an image has been loaded since the noise will appear in the screen.
Figure 4. PyMovie with the editing option circled to edit the contrast of the “.fits” images. When the “.fits” image is first loaded it shows a completely black screen with a small bar of noise. To observe the occultation and the starfield the contrast needs to be changed. To change the image contrast click on the small check box next to the screen. This will bring up the image contrast controls on the right side of the screen. Since PyMovie can’t be resized, it may appear outside of the screen to the right. Dragging the software to the left should bring the controls into view.
Figure 5. PyMovie with the Contrast changed so that the stars are visible using the yellow bars.
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