WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
A menu opens (Figure 13) and presents the options to enable/disable different capabilities of the Pi.
Figure 13 . Left: File raspi-config. Right: Enabling ssh. In the terminal window, one is asked to confirm that ssh is enabled: ssh pi@IP address (put in the internal or external IP address) If successful, next the user will be asked for the password for the Pi. If an internal IP address is used, it must be on its specified configured wifi network, while if an external IP address is used, a different wifi server is needed. To assign a fixed IP address to the PI, access the dhcpcd file with the command: sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf Test the connection by running a picture command through ssh: raspistill -o Desktop/name.jpg and logging into VNC on a laptop (Figure 14) to view that picture.
Figure 14 . Left: Entering the ssh pi@someipaddress command. Right: after entering the password of the pi for the ssh connection.
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