WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
3.5.2 Lens Distortio n A limitation of the Raspberry Pi camera is that the field of view becomes distorted and the straight rulers appear to bend in photographs, as seen in Figure 18, when the camera is not completely parallel to the glass due to light changing speed as it moves through different media (in this case, class, water, and air).
Figure 18 . Lens distortion from the angle of the camera in relation to the glass causing the rulers to appear bent/warped. 3.6 Designing the Camera Mount for the Raspberry Pi A black case was purchased to house the Raspberry Pi. However, the case does not provide an attachment for the camera and a permanent mount needed to be created. We modified the existing case by designing an insert to fit between the bottom portion of the case and the lid (Figures 19- 21). The insert has a “gooseneck” extension to which the camera and the camera ribbon are attached. This modification also provides more room for the fan to circulate air. The camera mount was designed in the CAD software Onshape and printed in PLA on a FlashForge Creator Pro 2 3D printer.
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