WISRD Research & Engineering Journal

3.7.1 LAG Design The initial concept of the LAG is shown in Figure 23. In addition to the basic concept of shining a laser to line up the camera, we added a safety feature to the laser circuit, assembled the components, and did performance testing as shown in Figure 24. The components are: ● 532 nm 5mw green laser pointer, which was originally purchased in Rome, Italy in 2014 in the ruins of the old Roman Empire ● Rayovac High Energy 9V battery

● 20A 12v 3 terminal switch ● Tactile momentary switch ● T type 9v battery connector ● 20 AWG wires

Figure 23 . Initial “back-of-the-envelope” concept drawing of the LAG.

Figure 24 . Testing the components of the Laser Assisted Guide. Once we had determined the dimensions of the components, a formalized design was drafted in an isometric drawing, which is shown in Figure 25.


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