WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
Figure 29 . An adjustable tripod stand holds the camera in place. 3.9 Pi Temperature
Temperature checks of the Pi show that it is typically running at 50 o C. After about four weeks of use, the fan on the Pi did not appear to be pulling out as much air as it initially was. A decision was made to monitor the situation and not disturb the Pi until the end of this internship unless it was necessary. This high temperature has not affected our photo taking; however, higher temperatures may impede the Pi’s processing speeds, and as a result we will not be performing any image processing on the Pi, but rather using a MacBook instead to maintain data integrity. 3.10 Image Acquisition 3.10.1 Testing Image Capture Time of Day We took photos throughout the day over multiple days to determine the optimal time of day for the best color contrast in the imaging. The Kessil LED lights are programmed to change intensity and color throughout the day, which affects the quality of photos taken by the Pi camera. It was discovered that the primary investigator was color blind, making it a challenge to simply eyeball the pictures for dramatic change in color depending on the time of day, unless pointed out by
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