WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
Appendix C : Pi Commands and Resources This directory contains the following frequently used commands in this project: ● Temperature and frequency ● Pictures ● Videos ● Timelapse ● Date and Time stamping photos automatically ● Crontab ● Plantcv (Plant Computer Vision) Click THIS LINK to access the dynamic version of my coding directory. Temperature and Frequency: ● This command will use terminal to display the current and live temperature of the raspberry pi. watch -n1 vcgenmcd measure_temp ● This command will use terminal to display the current and live frequency of the raspberry pi (or the current stress on the cpu) watch -n1 vcgencmd measure_clock arm Picture Command: ● This command will take a picture and put it in (SOME-DIRECTORY) and name it (SOME-NAME). raspistill -o SOME-DIRECTORY/SOME-NAME.jpg Video Command: ● This command will take a 10 second video in 30 frames per second and send it to (SOME-DIRECTORY) naming it (SOME-NAME). Note that the timespan of the video is iterated in milliseconds not seconds. raspivid -fps 30 -t 10000 -o SOME-DIRECTORY/SOME-NAME.h264 Timelapse Command: ● This command will produce a capture every 2 seconds over a total period of 30s, named image0000.jpg, image0001.jpg, image0002...image0015. Note that the %04d indicates a four digit number with leading zeros added to pad to the required number of digits. So, for example, %08d would result in an eight-digit number. raspistill -t 30000 -tl 2000 -o SOME-DIRECTORY/SOME-NAME%.04d.jpg Date and Time stamping photos automatically:
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