WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
Figure 7. Left: Original isometric of base for ceramic platform. Right: Original isometric of surface for ceramic platform. 3.3.1 Square Design Our first design was named the “Square” design for its shape. Square Design 1
This design (Fig. 8) was a 10-inch square with a curved, snake-like ridge spanning the entire surface. This design gave us many coral attachment points. It was laid on top of a square base for support. The base had open areas that would allow debris to flow through and minimize accumulation on the platform. The structure had five legs (one on each corner and one in the center for added support).
Figure 8. From left to right: leg, base, surface, and assembled structure of Square Design 1. We found that the plugs we would be using came in several shapes and they would hit each other depending on where they were placed in the “snake” pattern. Square Design 2 Square Design 2 (Fig. 9) addressed the issues of colliding plugs by spacing out the slots. The slots were more fully opened to allow sediment to fall through.
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