WISRD Research & Engineering Journal
4. Saltwater Test A 30-day test was run on Hog Slat v.2, print 4 to test the durability of the fired clay in seawater (Fig. 23). It was submerged on 12/08/2021 and was taken out on 01/07/2022. We observed no signs of damage due to submersion in saltwater for 30 days. However, due to the glue, air bubbles started to form on the glue lines.
Figure 23. Hog Slat v.2 print 4 submerged in a marine tank with SG of 1.025 at 77 o F. 5. Works Cited Aniwaa. “3DPOTTER 3D Potterbot 7 XXL Review - Professional Ceramic 3D Printer.” Aniwaa , 3 July 2021, https://www.aniwaa.com/product/3d-printers/deltabots-3d-potterbot-7-xxl/. Cairns, Rebecca. “How 3D Printing Could Help Save Hong Kong's Coral.” CNN Travel , Cable News Network, 13 Sept. 2021, https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/hong-kong-3d-printing-coral- reefs-hnk-spc-intl/index.html. Lange, C., Ratoi, L., and Co, D.L. Reformative coral habitats: Rethinking artificial reef structures through a robotic 3D clay printing method. Anthropocene Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. Volume 2, 463-472. 2020. https://www.arch.hku.hk/research_project/reformative-coral-habitats-reef-tiles/ Roy, Reya. “How & Where to 3D Print in India.” High Clouds , High Clouds STEM Technologies Pvt Ltd., 29 Jan. 2022, https://highclouds.co/blogs/how-and-where-to-3d-print-in-india/.
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