Our Wildwood, Summer 2021, Volume 46

L: Katie and Gerald Rios with Mia R. ‘24; R: Jan Stallings with Joseph Benefiel ‘21

I believe in the Habits of Mind and Heart. The bold notion that all community members are investing in young people—and each other—to grapple with multiple perspectives, to serve the common good, to always support perspectives with credible evidence, to seek connections, to navigate living and learning collaboratively and with ethical behavior. I believe in the Habits and what happens when community is rooted in the Habits: democracy, kindness, active citizenry, and social justice. Melinda Tsapatsaris, former associate head of school and current parent Wildwood has always been a very special place to me. My first year I knew that one day my grandchildren would attend. The Wildwood community is caring, supportive, inclusive, and a leader in its educational values. I also enjoyed working with such a high-quality creative faculty and administrators. Jan Stallings, former elementary faculty and current grandparent

A Wildwood experience is what I dreamed of when I thought about what a near-perfect school should be. I remember that feeling 25 years ago of a kind of homecoming. The most important piece for me is the respect for childhood and where each child is in their growth and learning. That’s what has kept me here. There’s no other school that celebrates the unfolding of a person as ours does.

Katie Rios, director of elementary and current parent

I felt at home as soon as I walked onto the old Olympic campus. Wildwood’s sense of community makes it feel like a second home. I quickly learned what Wildwood did for children, its commitment to the individual and diversity. This led me to a great attachment and stronger commitment as the school has grown from a tiny K-6 to the wonderful K-12 place it is these days.

Gerald Rios, facilities director and current parent


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