WISRD Research & Engineering Journal

print. Unlike Print 3, it dried on the printing surface itself. However, it cracked twice in transport and cracked 6-8 more times during firing.

Figure 21. Left: Print 3. Right: Print 4. Print 5 is the most recent print that was made as of the writing of this technical report. It was printed during the WISRD Fall 2021 Poster Session as part of our group’s presentations (Fig. 22). This print was disturbed during the Poster Session and was excessively damaged.

Figure 22. Hog Slat v.2 being printed at the WISRD Fall 2021 Poster Session. Hog Slat v.3

The Hogslat v.3 has been designed, but not printed as of the writing of this technical report. The height of the design was increased to 32 mm to double the number of layers, which we anticipate will reduce cracking.


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